Chapter 20

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Daphne walked next to Bucky as they entered the mall, "thanks for coming with me Buck! I didn't want to come alone. And no one knows Steve better than you."

Bucky grabbed her hand, "I'm happy to help. Do you have something in mind?"

Daphne groaned as she led him slowly through the mall, thinking about Steve. "I'm trying to get him acclimated to the modern world. Electronics and what not."

Bucky nodded, "okay." He stopped walking to turn and face her. "He likes music. What about something for that?" He smiled as he watched Daphne's face light up with an idea. He grunted as she pulled him through the mall into an electronic store. She went straight for something, handing it to him. "What is this?"

Daphne sighed, "it's an iPod. You can download all sorts of music onto it and listen. Thousands of songs."

"Thousands?" Bucky turned the box around as he examined it, "it's so small."

She laughed, "you're so cute." She took the box from his hand as she watched him blush. She grabbed another one and two sets of wireless headphones. She picked up another box, looking at it as Bucky watched her.

"And what's that?"

She looked up at him, "it's a dock. You place the iPod on it and the music plays out the speaker." She laughed as he continued to look at her confused. "I'll show you." Once she finished paying for everything, she got a separate bag and placed the second iPod and headphones in it before handing it to Bucky. "This one is for you. I'll help you set it up and you can help me choose music for Steve's."

Bucky grinned, "you didn't have to do that. I can always steal Steve's."

Daphne laughed, "no way. I'm going to steal Steve's." She grabbed his hand again, "come on old man, I'll buy you lunch before we go home."

Bucky rolled his eyes as he followed her, "I'm not an old man."

She stopped to look at him, "Bucky, you're what?" She did the math quickly in her head as he smirked at her, "96? Just because you don't look old doesn't mean you aren't."

"Whatever." He grinned as he followed her to the food court. He sat at a table with their bags as he waited for her to return with some food. He smiled as she set a burger and fries in front of him, "thanks doll. And thanks for asking me to come with you. You could have asked Nat or Maria. But I'm glad it was me."

Daphne shrugged, "I like you Buck. And no one knows Steve better than you." She leaned towards him as she lowered her voice, "and Nat kind of scares me." She watched him laugh as he picked up his burger with his one hand and everything toppled out of it. He sighed, setting it back down and she could tell he was becoming more and more upset at having to do everything with only one hand. "It's okay Buck." She slid his plate to her, fixing his burger before cutting it in half so it was easier to manage.

"Thank you. Fucking super soldier, but I'm more useless than ever."

She sighed as she shook her head, resting her hand on his thigh, "you're not. It's okay. Everyone needs helps sometimes. Honestly it's nice not being around someone that isn't so perfect all the damn time."

Bucky laughed, "thank you? Also, Steve isn't perfect."

"It sure seems that way sometimes. I feel a lot that I'm useless around him."

Bucky shook his head, "no. Look at me Daph." He heard her sigh as she looked up at him, "he's not perfect. And he needs you, even if it doesn't seem like it. Especially if it doesn't seem like it."

She smiled at him, "thanks Buck." She looked up when she heard what seemed like a gun shot. She saw Bucky leap from his chair as he grabbed her and pulled her to her feet with his one hand. He positioned himself in front of her as a security guard came into view and they heard and watched him shoot towards someone that was just out of view.

There was a lot of yelling as Bucky grabbed the bags, pushing Daphne ahead of him, "come on. Let's get you someplace safe." Before they could enter a side store, the gunman came into view, waving his gun around. He seemed to be carrying his limping friend who was shot by the guard. Bucky stood in front of Daphne as the gunman shouted for someone with medical skill. Bucky felt Daphne start to step forward but he kept his arm up, "no way."

She kept her voice low, "if I don't go, he could shoot more people. If I do go, at least he's distracted and you can call Steve and the police."

Bucky shook his head, "no! You're my responsibility."

Daphne watched him start to walk towards the man with the gun but grabbed his hand, "you aren't bullet proof Buck." She made him stop, squeezing his hand, "call Steve. I'll be fine." Daphne put her hands up as she walked around in front of Bucky, "I'm a nurse. I can help you. Just let everyone else go."

The man hesitated but motioned her forward towards him using his gun. "Come with me." She looked back at Bucky once more, seeing the anger radiating off him as she walked with the gunman in a nearby store.

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