Chapter 12

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Daphne jolted out of Steve's bed, feeling her mark burning as she clutched her stomach. She felt a pain in her leg as she went to her room, getting dressed quickly. She just made it to the infirmary as she heard the jet land in the hangar. She approached to see Sam helping a limping Steve with a gash in his stomach and left leg. "Steve!" She looked past him to see Tony in his Ironman suit carrying an unconscious raven haired man with one flesh arm and one broken metal one. "Who is that?!"

Steve groaned, "Bucky. Help him."

She shook her head as they reached the infirmary and Sam helped him onto a bed as Tony placed Bucky next to him, a concerned Natasha looking at him. "No. I'm helping you first."

"Steve, I'm sorry."

Daphne looked from Natasha to Steve as she helped him out of his uniform.

"Not now Nat!"

Natasha approached them, "how was I supposed to know?"

Daphne looked at Steve who was obviously upset. She looked at everyone, "can everyone can go. I'm fine." She saw everyone hesitate, "get out!" She waited until everyone was gone before looking back at Steve to see him smirking, "what?"

He shook his head, "nothing. Are you okay?"

She nodded, "me?! I'm fine. Are you okay? Lay down."

He chuckled, laying back as she inspected him, "I'm fine love."

"Right." She motioned to Bucky, "want to explain that?"

He shrugged, "I will as soon as I know myself. Keep an eye on him, until he wakes up. Please?"

"Is he going to hurt me?"

He looked at Bucky and back at her, "I don't think so." He winced as she cleaned his gash on his stomach.

"Did he do this to you?"

Steve sighed, "yes. But he didn't know what he was doing."

She finished cleaning him and sewing up the wound in his stomach and leg, "and why are you mad at Nat?"

He groaned as he sat up with his legs hanging over the side of the bed as he grabbed her waist, pulling her to him, "I don't want to talk about it right now. I promise we will though. I have to go talk to the rest of the team. Stay here with Bucky."

Daphne nodded, bringing both her hands to his cheeks as she kissed him. "Okay. Now you can go."

He chuckled, "I'll be back."


Bucky woke up in a strange room, looking around to see a woman with dark reddish, brown hair standing over him on his left side. "Where am I?"

Daphne looked at Bucky, "Avengers compound. I'm Daphne."

He nodded, "James Barnes." He looked to see a red star sticking out under her shirt. He brought his right hand up slowly, seeing her hesitant at first, but let him move her shirt to display her stars. He smiled, "you must belong to Steve."

"I don't belong to anyone." She grabbed his hand before he could drop it, looking at the small black spider mark on his wrist, "you must belong to Nat."

He grinned, "I do."

She sighed, "that explains a lot. Are you in pain anywhere?"

Bucky shook his head as he put his hand down. "I'm okay. Where is everyone?"

"I assume discussing what to do with you."

He nodded, watching her, "you're upset with me."

She shrugged, "you hurt my Steve."

Bucky laughed, "well he was my Steve before he was your Steve. And I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing."

She sighed, "so I was told." She inspected the broken skin at his shoulder where they attached the metal arm. She ran her hand over it as he watched her. She looked down at the broken arm that had obviously been blasted by Tony. "We're going to have to remove this at some point." She saw him only nod as she looked back at his shoulder, "I don't know if we can put you under since I assume you have the serum like Steve?"

Bucky shook his head, "can't do it while I'm awake either. Nat would be in too much pain."

Daphne nodded, thinking. "We could sedate her so she's asleep and not feel it. And I can try to sedate you as much as possible, but I don't know how much it would work. Have to wait for Doctor Cho to come back."

Bucky nodded, "thank you Daphne. So you and Steve?"

She nodded, backing away slightly as he sat up, his legs hanging over the side of the bed. She sat on the bed Steve had inhabited a bit before, looking at him. "Yes."

He smiled, "how long?"

Daphne shrugged, "not long. A few weeks."

"Do you love him?"

Daphne smiled, "of course I do."

Bucky nodded, "and if the whole soul mate, soul mark thing didn't exist and you met him randomly, would you still love him?"

"I would."

Bucky grinned, "good. Can you take me to them?"

Daphne hesitated, standing up as he did. "I don't know if I should." She grabbed a SHIELD shirt from a pile on the shelf next to the wall, helping him pull it on. "You're not going to hurt anyone?"

Bucky shook his head, "you have my word."

She sighed, "okay. Come on." She saw him grin, as she shook her head, leading him out of the infirmary.

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