Chapter 22

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Daphne walked down the hall in the middle of the night, hearing a grunt in the kitchen as she approached. She turned the corner to find Bucky sitting on a stool, a water bottle between his legs as he tried to open it with his one hand. She laughed as he removed the lid, his legs squeezing the water all over him.

Bucky looked up at Daphne laughing at him as the water dripped down his face, "it isn't funny! I'm completely useless."

She shook her head, taking the bottle from him. She grabbed a towel, helping him dry off as she sighed, "you aren't Buck." She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder as she felt him rest his head on hers, bringing up his flesh arm around her, "you're getting a new arm later. You should be sleeping Buck."

He shrugged as she pulled away, going to the fridge to get a new water bottle, "you're putting me out. I'll sleep them."

She chuckled, trying to open the bottle with her right hand, but it was still too painful to grip things. She held the bottle up to Bucky as he grinned, removing the lid. "A pair." She handed him the water bottle before sitting on the stool next to him, "are you nervous?"

Bucky sighed, "a little. Not for me. For Nat. I don't want her to be in pain."

Daphne nodded, "she won't be. We'll put her out so she'll sleep through it. She won't feel anything. I promise."

Bucky smiled, "I can't sleep. Watch a movie with me?"

Daphne laughed, "sure Buck. Anything you want."


Steve groaned, realizing he woke in bed all alone. He sat up knowing Daphne never got up before him. He got up, getting dressed quickly before going into her room, finding it empty too. He began to panic, searching through the compound. He came to the living room, finding Bucky asleep with his head rested back on the couch with Daphne asleep with her head on a pillow on his lap, covered with a blanket. He laughed, sighing as he relaxed. He sat on the coffee table in front of them, shaking Daphne gently awake.

She jolted up as Bucky woke up from the commotion, "oh Steve. I'm sorry. I came down for water and Bucky was awake and couldn't sleep. We fell asleep watching a movie."

Steve shrugged, "it's fine love. I trust you guys. But you should get up and get dressed."

Daphne nodded, looking back at Bucky. "I'll see you later." She reached down, grabbing his hand, "it'll be fine."

Bucky smiled, "I'll see you later." He looked back at Steve as he got up, folding the blanket and setting it on the edge of the couch, "I'm sorry."

Steve chuckled, "it's really fine Buck."

He nodded, "she's great. She reminds me of Rebecca."

Steve smiled, "she does. I'm glad you have each other. I need to get you to Natasha before the surgery."

Bucky nodded, sighing, "okay."


Bucky opened his eyes, seeing a bright light above him as he sat up to see Natasha, Steve and Daphne all watching him. He looked down, feeling the heaviness of the new arm that was black and gold. "It's amazing!" He stood up, rotating his arm at the shoulder before opening and closing his fist.

Daphne blushed, looking at Steve as Bucky grabbed Natasha, pulling her to him as he wrapped both arms around her, kissing her. She giggled as Steve cleared his throat, making Bucky release Natasha, looking up at them.

"Sorry. I haven't gotten to do that in so long. Both arms." He grinned, pulling Steve into a hug before wrapping his arms around Daphne as she threw her arms around his neck. "And finally get to hug you for real."

Daphne chuckled, pulling away to look at him, "how does it feel?"

He nodded, smiling, looking down at it, "it's really amazing. Thank you."

She shrugged, "don't thank me. Thank Tony and the Wakandans?" She looked up at Steve to see him nodding his approval of her saying it correctly. She grabbed Bucky's metal hand, "it's made out of vibranium, the same stuff as Steve's shield."

Bucky grinned, "it's perfect. Finally not useless."

Daphne sighed, "you were never useless Buck. You've been a great friend to me. One arm and all. I just hope you realize that I now expect more out of you now that you have two arms." She laughed as he rolled his eyes, hitting her gently on the arm. She took a step back next to Steve, "I'm sure you guys have two armed things you'd like to be doing now." She looked up as Steve blushed as they heard Bucky laugh, grabbing Natasha's hand.

"Well that sounds like an amazing idea." He leaned over, kissing Daphne on the cheek before following Natasha out of the room as they heard her laugh.

Daphne looked up at Steve, "you have your friend back. You have me."

Steve grinned, nodding as he placed his hands at her waist, "what more could I want?"

She giggled as she felt him lean down, kissing her neck, "I love you Steve."

He brought his hand to her cheek, his thumb softly caressing her cheek, "I love you too angel."

~~End of Part 1~~

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