Chapter 19

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Daphne rolled over when she felt Steve climb into bed with her early in the morning, "Steve!"

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her, "I missed you too."

Daphne didn't say anything as she straddled him on the bed, removing her shirt of his that she was wearing as Steve moaned. She leaned down to kiss him passionately as he gripped her waist, pulling her down on him. She groaned, sitting back up as she pulled him from his underwear, moving hers to the side as she lowered herself onto him quickly.

Steve grunted as he sat up, bringing a hand to the nape of her neck as he pressed his lips gently to hers. He moaned as she turned the kiss more intense as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pinning her under him on the bed, thrusting harder as she moaned out. "How's that?"

Daphne groaned as she nodded, "don't stop Steve."

He nodded, gripping her hip with one hand as he felt her wrap her legs around him, pulling him in deeper as he grunted. "Oh angel..." He heard her panting as she wrapped her arms around him, keeping his body pressed to hers. He pressed his lips to hers in time to hear her moaning into his mouth, running his right hand down to her thigh, feeling her legs shaking through her orgasm as finished right after her.

Daphne sighed contently as Steve rolled to his back next to her, chuckling at her sigh. "I missed you Steve. I love you."

He grinned, pulling her to his chest, "I missed you too, my angel."

She giggled, "I like hearing you call me that." She rolled onto her chest, bringing her right hand up to his chest as she rested her chin on her arm, looking up at him, "so how was your mission? How was working with Sharon?"

Steve sighed, "the mission was fine."

She nodded, "and Sharon?"

Steve groaned, "she was a little touchy at first. But I took care of it."

Daphne sat up in the bed, facing him, "touchy how? What did she do?"

He shrugged as he stood up with her, "she crawled into bed with me the first night."

"What?! That bitch!" Daphne got out of bed, getting dressed quickly. "I can't believe her!"

Steve chuckled as he got out of bed, "it's okay. I took care of it, and she didn't bother me again."

"You shouldn't have had to say anything to her!" She scoffed as she flounced from the room.

"Where are you going?!" Steve barely had his shirt on as he exited his room to see Bucky coming out of his room, a look of confusion on his face. Steve shrugged at him as they both followed Daphne to the training room.

Daphne stormed into the training room where Sharon was punching a bag. She grabbed Sharon's shoulder, making her turn to face her as she pulled back her fist before hitting Sharon across the cheek, making Sharon fall back onto her ass. She pointed to Sharon, "keep your hands off my Steve!" She turned back to see Steve standing with his arms crossed and Bucky laughing next to him.

Steve sighed and rolled his eyes before walking off as Daphne followed him back to his room.

Daphne shut the door behind her, "what?!"

"You didn't have to do that! I told you I already took care of it."

She shrugged, approaching him as she placed her hands on his chest under his shirt, "but you're mine. She needs to know I'm not going to let her walk all over me. That I won't let you go without a fight."

Steve shook his head as he smirked, "you don't have to do that. I only want you. Do you not trust me?"

She groaned, "of course I trust you Steve. I don't trust her. And obviously I was right, wasn't I?"

Steve sighed, "I know. You were right. But I need you to trust me and that I can take care of myself. That I'll always come back to you."

Daphne nodded, "okay. I'm sorry."

He grinned, "don't be. It was kind of hot."

Daphne giggled, "oh yeah?" She ran her hands up, helping him remove his shirt.

Steve grabbed her waist, lifting her to him as she wrapped her legs around him. He moaned, crashing his lips into hers.

Daphne groaned when he pulled away, setting her on the bed, "we can go again." She grabbed the band of his sweatpants, pulling him to her as she stroked his hard cock through the fabric, "super soldier is ready to go again."

He laughed, "I am. But I have work and responsibilities. If I could just lay here with you all day, naked, I would. You have work too."

"Ugh!" She groaned as she collapsed back onto the bed as she heard him laughing at her. She leaned up on her elbows as she watched him get dressed. "You're so perfect, you should be naked all the time."

Steve grinned, leaning over her as he rested on his hands on either side of her, "see, here I was just thinking the same about you."

She giggled as he kissed her neck, moving her shirt as he kissed her stars before standing up straight. She sighed, sitting up, "I'll see you later?"

Steve nodded, "yes. I have to go. I love you Daph. Try to behave yourself or you're going to lose your angel name."

Daphne laughed as she stood up, "yes Captain." She winked at him as she heard him groan before she went into her own room, closing the door behind her.


Daphne found Bucky on the roof with Natasha in the afternoon. "Hey. I was looking for you Buck."

He looked up at her, smiling, "here I am doll. What can I help you with?"

She sat next to him, "well I know Steve's birthday is coming up soon. I was hoping you could go shopping with me for a gift?"

Bucky nodded, "yeah. Of course."

"Great!" She grinned as she stood up, "oh and from what I've heard, you should be getting your new arm soon. They had it custom made just for you."

Bucky stood up, "really? And you'll be there when they do it?"

Daphne nodded, grabbing his hand, "of course I will Buck." She looked past him to Natasha, "I'll be there for the both of you. I have to go find Steve. Thanks Buck." She hesitated before hugging him before leaving him on the roof with Natasha.

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