Chapter 5

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Steve couldn't contain his grin as he watched Daphne shuffle into art class a little late.

She smiled at him, whispering, "I'm sorry I'm late."

He shook his head as he smiled at her, seeing her blush as he winked at her. He smiled as he heard her giggle next to him as class started. He noticed her looking at him every once in a while, making him smile. He looked at her easel, seeing her drawing a naked woman that appeared to be turning into a tree. 

When class ended, Steve threw on his leather jacket, following Daphne out of the room. "Normally I ride my motorcycle, but I borrowed Nat's car. I thought we could ride together."

Daphne nodded, "okay. Do you know how to drive old man?"

Steve laughed, "I think I can manage. Come on." He saw her grin as he grabbed her hand, leading her out of the building.


Daphne tried to stifle her giggle as she watched Steve come out of the dressing room in jeans that were two sizes too big.

Steve shrugged, looking down at his pants, "what?"

She stood up from the chair she was sitting in, approaching him. She grabbed the band of his pants, looking up at him, "they're too big."

"I thought they were comfortable."

She laughed, handing him a new pair, "try these." She heard him sigh before going back into the dressing room. She grinned when he stepped back out in fitted jeans as he pulled on them.

"They're too tight."

Daphne shook her head, "no way."

Steve blushed as he watched her approached him, grabbing the band of his jeans again as she walked around him, inspecting him, "like what you see?"

She giggled as she moved back in front of him, "yes. Much better."

He brought his fingers up to her chin, placing his thumb just under lips as he leaned down towards her.

Daphne felt her heart racing as she closed her eyes in time to feel Steve's lips against hers softly. She smiled, opening her eyes as she felt him pull back away, "shirts."

Steve chuckled, "yes ma'am."

She stepped back as she watched him go back into the dressing room. She looked up at him to see him come out with a shirt half buttoned, "see. you look so much better with fitted clothes." She heard him chuckle as she approached him, taking over the buttoning. When she got a few buttons from the top, she noticed the black marking peeking out from his white t-shirt. She looked up at him to see him watching her before looking back at the mark. She brought her hand up to the collar of his shirt, pulling it back to display the laurel wreath on his right collar bone and shoulder. She sighed, replacing it as she finished buttoning his shirt, running her hands down his arms before stepping back to look at him.

"I assume you understand it?"

Daphne nodded, "I do."

He smiled, "are you going to tell me?"

She shrugged, "not right now, no."

Steve chuckled, "okay. Fair enough. Can I see yours?"

Daphne sighed, pulling her cardigan off her left shoulder.

Steve smiled, bringing his right hand up to her shoulder. He pulled her bra and tank top strap down as he ran his thumb along her collar bone along each star, "pretty self explanatory."

She chuckled, pulling her sweater back on, "yes."

Steve laughed, "why is yours so much easier than mine?"

She shrugged, "I don't think yours is that complicated."

"To you." He shook his head as he went to walk back into the dressing room but felt Daphne grab his hand.

"You should wear that out of here. But you should tuck in the bottom into your jeans."

Steve chuckled, nodding, "okay. Now that you've improved on my style, can I take you out on a proper date?"

Daphne blushed, "okay." She laughed at his grin as she watched him tuck in his shirt.

"Really? Can I take you out tomorrow night? Maybe a movie and dinner? I'm still trying to catch up on pop culture."

Daphne nodded, "okay. I know someplace showing Star Wars. Have you watched those yet?"

He chuckled, shaking his head, "I haven't. It's on my list."

"Okay. It's a drive in, so we need a car."

Steve smiled, "okay. I can do that. Are you going to tell me about my mark tomorrow?"

Daphne laughed, "sure."


Daphne turned to Steve as they approached the door of her apartment. "Thanks for letting me dress you Steve."

He laughed, "I don't mind. I need all the help I can get."

She shrugged, "you're not so bad."

He grinned, "not so bad! I'll take it." He smiled as he watched her blush at his teasing. He brought his right hand up her cheek, "can I kiss you?"

"You didn't ask earlier." She smirked as she took a step towards him.

"I know, I'm sorry. Was it not okay?"

She shook her head, "it was more than okay. Kiss me Steve."

He chuckled, nodding as he leaned towards her. He felt her bring her hand to the nape of his neck as he closed the distance, seeing her close her eyes as he did before feeling her lips on his. He felt her part her lips slightly as he cradled her lower lip between his. He felt her smile slightly as he teased her lip softly with his tongue before he pulled away. "I'll pick you up tomorrow. Thank you for taking me shopping Daphne."

She grinned, nodding as she watched him walk away before she entered the apartment.

"There you are."

Daphne looked up at Amelia as she removed her shoes, "here I am."

Amelia laughed, "come on. How was shopping with Captain America?"

Daphne rolled her eyes as she sat next to her sister, "it was good."

Amelia nodded, "and did you compare marks?"

"Sort of."

Amelia chuckled, "what does sort of mean? Is it him or not?"

Daphne shrugged, "yes. It's him. We saw each other's marks. He doesn't understand mine on him though."

"Okay? Are you going to tell me what his is?"

Daphne sighed, "it's a laurel wreath."


"Steve! Look at you!"

Steve blushed as he entered the compound with bags of clothes as Natasha watched him. "I went shopping with Daphne."

Natasha smiled, nodding, "you look really great. How as it?"

He nodded, "it was good. We're going out on an actual date tomorrow."

"That's so great." Natasha wrapped her friend in a hug, "I'm so happy for you Steve." She pulled away as she looked up at him, "did you talk about the mark?"

"She said she'd explain it tomorrow."

Natasha smiled, "good." She groaned as she gripped her wrist where her mark was, feeling a sting.

Steve looked at her concerned, "how often does that happen?"

She shrugged, "a lot more recently. But at least I know he's still alive."

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