Chapter 6

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"Oh. I understand the truck now." Daphne chuckled as they got out of the truck at the drive in as she watched Steve pull stuff from the back of the cab. She helped him, grabbing some pillows as he grabbed a picnic basket. She tossed the pillows in the back as he set down a bunch of blankets. She kicked off her shoes as she hopped into the bed of the truck, Steve sitting next to her.

"I thought we could eat while we watch the movie?"

Daphne nodded, "I love it Steve."

He looked around, "I'm not sure how we can hear the movie now though. We used to have little speakers on the side of the cars."

Daphne giggled, "I thought about this." She went to the cab of the truck, bringing her bag to the back with them. She pulled out her phone and a small Bluetooth speaker. "I can use my phone and we can use the speaker so it's easier for us to hear."

Steve chuckled, "thanks. I need a lot of help, as you can see."

She shrugged, "it's fine Steve." She smiled as he opened his basket, pulling out a bottle of wine and some cups. She accepted them, pouring them both some wine as he pulled out a plastic container for them both. She opened her container to find pasta, "did you make this?"

Steve nodded, "yeah. I'm not completely hopeless."

Daphne giggled, "good to know. Thank you Steve. This is great, really." She rested her hand on his thigh as he smiled.

He nodded, "so are you going to tell me about my mark?"

She sighed as she watched him smirk as he ate his pasta. "Greek mythology. Daphne was a nymph that caught the attention of the god Apollo. Though she denied him continuously, he didn't care. Until one day he caught up to her to rape her and she screamed out, praying to her father, the river god Peneus. He heard her and turned her into a laurel tree, protecting her from Apollo."

Steve nodded, smiling, "so, I'm like your protector?"

She chuckled, "something like that. I always loved the story as a kid. Daphne means laurel tree in greek."

"Wait, that's what you were drawing yesterday? Daphne turning into a tree."

She nodded, "yeah. Exactly."

Steve smiled, "I really love it. So there's no denying it now."

She chuckled, "I guess not. It's weird though, right? One second you don't know someone and the next minute they're all of a sudden your soul mate?"

Steve shook his head as he shrugged, "I don't really know. It is a little weird I guess, yeah. Have you ever been in love before?"

Daphne laughed, "no. Definitely not. What about you?"

He shrugged, "I think I was. I'm not so sure now, sitting here with you. It feels different, yeah?" He smiled as he watched her blush at his confession.

She nodded, putting the lid back on her container, "yeah. I don't know what it is. Your presence is like a magnet. And your eyes feel like I've always been looking into them."

"Yeah. I know what you mean." He chuckled, putting the stuff in the basket as the previews ended and the movie started. He set the basket off to the side as he positioned pillows for them as he moved closer to her. He threw a blanket on them, "when I was younger, and even recently, the thought would make me so angry. Watching other people get their marks and wonder if it maybe wasn't meant for me."

She gave him a small smile, moving next to him as he put his arm up for her. She rested her head on his chest, "it is meant for you." She looked up at him to see him smile at her, bringing his hand to her chin, pulling her mouth up to his. She ran her hand up his chest to his neck and into his hair as she felt his tongue teasing her lip. She moaned softly, parting her lips for him as she felt him bring his hand to her waist, pulling her so she was laying on her back. She smiled as he pulled away slightly, watching her as she saw a tendril of blonde hair fall into his face. She giggled, running her hand through his hair as she pulled his mouth back to hers.

Steve moaned, running his hand from her waist to her hip, running his hand down to her thigh and back up. He brought his right hand to her shirt, moving to the collar of her shirt. He pulled it off her shoulder, kissing her neck as he moved down to her collar bone, kissing each star before leaning back up on his arm, looking at her. He brought his hand up to her cheek, running his thumb along her cheekbone as he looked at her. "We're missing the movie." He smiled at her little giggle, kissing her once more. "I'm from a different time. I don't want to go too fast."

She nodded, sitting up, "for one, it was just kissing. For two, are you a virgin Captain?"

Steve laughed, sitting up with her as he put his arm up around her shoulder, "for one, I want to do more than just kissing. For two, no, I'm not a virgin."

She giggled, "just checking. Did you sleep with the girl from before the war?"

"No. Definitely not."

She nodded, looking at him, "then who?"

He groaned, looking at her, "I'm Captain America. That comes with certain privileges, like groupies throwing themselves at you. I definitely entertained a few before going into the ice. I haven't slept with anyone since coming out of the ice though. I hope you don't think less of me."

Daphne laughed, "why would it make me think less of you? You were a young man, must have been a new feeling after the serum, having women throwing themselves at you."

He nodded, "sure. That's not really me though."

"I know. I can tell." She started to say something else but heard his phone beeping.

Steve pulled his phone from his pocket, "I'm sorry. Mission. I have to go. I'll drop you off at home. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Daphne nodded, "yeah of course Steve. Don't worry about it."

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