Book Two

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   Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I walked into the school compound on foot because I couldn't let anyone see the boys. Myra and Nancy were already waiting for me at my locker as usual. Students waved and hailed at me as I walked in, my hips swaying as I waved back at them. I'm pretty popular in school, not just because I'm beautiful, but because I don't tolerate nonsense. I saw the girls, in a heated conversation as they waited for me. Myra was wearing a pink micro-mini skirt, pink crop tops and a high-low kimono jacket. Nancy, she was on her usual ripped jeans, studded boots and biker jacket.

   'Hey, girls!'

   'Finally,' Nancy breathe. She averted her eyes to me. 'You seriously need to stop leaving me with this nonentity because one of these days, I will lose my mind and you will be at fault.' She said, pointing a accusing finger at me.

   'Stop calling me a nonentity,' Myra huffed out in annoyance.

   'Right, you are a nitwit.' Nancy said with a sneer.

   'I am I not a nitwit, Nancy, I have a perfectly functioning brain!'

   'If you do, why then would you be suggesting I go out on a date with Happer!' I twisted my nose in disgust. Happer, the fool and biggest playboy in the school, a senior and notorious for using and dumping both younger and older girls, never one his age.

   'She doesn't have any sense to begin with Nancy,' I said, opening my locker. I shoved my books into the locker and picked out the world I would use for the day.

   'Now you are insulting me,' Myra whimpered.

   'I've told you to stop playing cupid, you suck at it.' I replied.

   'I have joined five people together, isn't that an achievement?'

   'You can't join your parents together, they are already together...'

   'They had a fight...' she argued.

   'Argument like every couple do,' Nancy interjected.

   'I still count them as one.' She shrugged.

   'You also count matching a dog, two old people close to death as additions. What happened to your matchup with Link and Bree? Bree now have a baby bump and Link is nowhere to be found. Where is Idris now? In jail because he angrily killed a guy when he caught his girl in bed with him and for the big finale, Greg beats the life out of Margret all thanks to your matchup.' I listed.

   'How was I suppose to know they would end that way!'

   'Our points exactly,' Nancy and I said.

   'Are you kidding me?'

   'You want me to date Happer, that nasty drunk!'

   'He loves party doesn't make him a drunk.'

   'Just the way you said him being twenty one doesn't make him old. Just like you said age doesn't matter, he has a bright future and yet he is twenty one and still in highschool.' Nancy whispered angrily.

   'You are overreacting, he isn't that old '

   'I'm fourteen and I don't appreciate sugar daddies, thank you very much.'

   'Are you trying to call me a whore?' Myra hissed. They are always bickering. This is what I'm welcomed with every time we agree to meet up and they arrive before I do. They always find something to argue about or end up in a physical fight with Myra taking all the beating. Yet, they still call themselves friends. I don't get it.

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