Book six

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   That was all I felt just sitting there on the bed and looking around the quiet hotel room. It hurt so much because I knew what had happen, I easily put the pieces together and had my answers staring back at me plainly. Myra was paid to drag me to the party or maybe tricked to bring me to the party, my drink was doctored and then RW took advantage of me. I wouldn't call it rape, I refuse to be a victim of that word. I sniffed and shook my head, a very loud laugh breaking out of my throat. I laughed as tears rolled down my cheeks, laughed as the painful memories flooded my head.

I won't let this break me!

   I stood up from the bed after crying and laughing for over two hours, I needed to be strong so no one would find out. I cleaned myself up, washed the sheets myself before checking out. It was so humiliating coming out of an hotel like that, never did I picture it would happen to me. Charging him for rape would be so easy. Not only will dad make sure he stays behind bars, Alisdair will crush his entire family to the ground and I didn't want that, those people were innocent. Also, I couldn't bear to live with the shame, bear to be the threading news in the internet.

I let it all slide.

   Immediately I walked back into the house, I was met with my angry mother, she was in the living room waiting for me. 'I thought you were going to die there.'


   'Where did you sleep last night?'

   'At Paisley's,'

   'I am a mother, a crazy one who have been a teenager before you. Where did you sleep?' She asked again, her tone making me know that she was serious. I broke down, fell on my knees and cried. She didn't waste time in coming to me, wrapping her hands around my torso as she petted me.  'You got drunk and had a one-nightstand, didn't you?' She asked softly.

   'I have disappointed dad, I broke my promise…'

   'Hey, shhh, it's okay,' she whispered, caressing my hair. 'I wouldn't say I am proud of your actions but I know everyone is bound to make mistakes and I also trust you a lot to know you will never do such in your right mind.'

   'He left before I woke up,' I cried.

   'Do you know who he is?'

   'No,' I shook my head. 'I didn't see his face,' I lied.  'But I know he wasn't someone from around here and he must have drugged me.'

   'First, we need to take you to a hospital. You can't tell anyone about this, you can't let anyone know that you were drugged or you lost your virginity. Seb will definitely blow a fuse, Alisdair is worse and you are pretty aware of that. You can tell Eric, he is more understanding and considerate than anyone else but never let anyone else know, okay?'

   'Yes, Mom,' I sniffed.  Her phone on the table started ringing. She stood up and ran to it, picked it up with an excited grin.

   'Right, Mr Lambert, good morning to you…oh yes, it is me…is that so?!' She squealed excitedly but cleared her throat. 'Oh, thank you for considering my offer, sir, you won't regret it… Oh no, I'm at home… I can meet up immediately, yes sir… Okay, thank you sir… I will see you soon, bye.' Immediately she hung up, she shrieked and fist pump the air.

   'Who was that?' I asked, wiping my tears as I stood up.

   'That was Mr Lambert, he finally approved my contract!'

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