Book Five

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Ryan (RW)

   'There is no way in this entire world I am going to do what you guys are telling me!' I whispered yelled. Mitchell rolled his eyes.

   'Stop being a pussy, Ryan, it's not like it is the first time anyone would be doing it. We've all done it and you were there.' He scoffed.

   'I regret ever supporting you guys to doctor Selene, Betty, Marie and Anita's drinks, I hate having to do what I did to them but I still let you guys do it with ease because they are adult and would definitely not regret the nights, I knew they won't mind if you slept with them without permission under the excuse that they were drunk.' I defended.

   'So what is wrong with doing the same to Kristal? You have been dying to fuck that bitch for months now, to have her all to yourself.' Matteo said frowningly.

   'We are only trying to help, I am tired of hearing you whine about your emotions or how you picture her body every night or how you fanaticize about having sex with her.' Victor said in exasperation. I looked away from them and towards the hall of students laughing as they did what concern them.

   I remembered the first day Kristal stepped her feet into the school, how she strolled through the same hall with her friend, a beautiful breathtaking smile plastered on her face. I don't know if it was just me but her hair flew in the wind with every majestic step she took, the way her eyes glinted with every words she uttered to her friend. Her smile was the first thing that captivated my heart, the first thing about her that left me breathless. Next was the glint in her azure eyes, the glint of confident in her eyes that reflected all the way to her walking steps. She stride with pride, like the world was under her feet and she feared no one, like she ruled it. I had seen other female walked with pride before, but hers was exceptional, powerful and drenched in confident.

   It was like I was expecting her arrival, since I woke up that morning, my heart had been jubilating like it knew something good was going to happen. I kept looking at the hallway all morning, not exactly sure what I was waiting or expecting, but I knew something I would love and adore would show up. I was right.

   Then when our eyes met that day, everything in my life and behavior changed. From that day on, I had formed the habit of waiting for her to walk in so I could admire her, so I could inhale her sweet jasmine scent and feel her eyes on me. Even though I never caught her staring, I knew she was admiring me the same way I was, maybe mine was worse but I knew she could feel our silly connection. Few times when our eyes met, a jolt of electricity would fire through my veins, a cold chill would run down my back. Hearing her speak every time did things to my heart, did things to my body. I ended up with painful blueball at nights, at least not until I poured my full attention in sleeping with random girls, becoming worse than I was. She being so funny and easy going was another reason getting her out of my head was impossible, she's everywhere!

   'And here comes the reason for your months of endless good night sleeps,' Mitchell whispered sarcastically. I already felt her coming before she even walked through the door. She was glowing this time, shining like the morning sun in a dark hallway. Her beauty increased at every single passing day, my feelings for her too.  'Still sure you don't want her?'

   'I want her to love me,' I whimpered.  'I don't want to use and dump her.'

   'You're leaving for a very long time, bro, she don't even like you one bit. Haven't you notice the way she have been treating us like fleas trying to stay in her thick mane? We have been trying for weeks to get her close to you but she don't even care. She is not a guy freak, she treats everyone the same way. The best thing you can do now is to at least leave with the satisfaction that you fucked her or you will die in college. Your crave is turning into obsession, you are becoming a crazy stalker, stealing her things to hug at night. If you don't sleep with this girl before you leave, you will run mad.' Mitchell said as a matter-of-factly.

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