Book Thirteen

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   I polished my nails as I looked at Alis pacing around and chanting how he would destroy Ryan for sleeping with me. So literally, he had been yelling and yelling and more yelling, accusing me of cheating. The thing is, I barely move with men, barely speak to anyone other than the people I love so I barely get him jealous. It was nice to see him explode with fear and jealousy. The man is insane, he believes I'm more snatchable when pregnant because pregnancy makes me look more "sexy".

   'What do you see in him?! What don't I have?! Look at me, Bloom, remember you are mine so what the fuck are you doing sleeping with that kid?! I demand an explanation!' I sighed and closed the lid of my polish gingerly. 'Bloom, I'm talking to you!'

   'What do you want me to say, Alis? What would you have me say? I already tried explaining to you but you wouldn't let me speak.'

   'You are speaking right now!'

   'Oh Alis, you are very terrible with jealousy,' I crossed my legs.

   'I'm not jealous! I'm angry and frustrated that you can ever think about cheating on me with my baby!'

   'Alisdair,' I called softly. 'Can I really cheat on you?' I asked coolly with a compose face. He opened his mouth to speak but shut it back and itched the scruff of his neck. 'Alisdair, my soulmate, can your bride really cheat on you?'

   'Well, not at all.'

   'Then why are you yelling? Why are accusing me of cheating?'

   'Okay, I trust that you won't cheat but I don't trust him. Have you seen the way he looks at you? The way he flaunts his handsomeness in your face? Every time you are close to him, he grind and touches you in places only I should be touching you…' He pouted. 'I don't like that, Bloom, why is he touching you?'

   I laughed and shook my head. 'Alisdair, how many times have you seen us together? We always meet at the hospital and you are always there with me…'

   'Exactly! That is how I know he likes you! What if he drugs you and then fuck you without your knowledge…'

   'Alisdair,' I called chucklingly softly. 'Come,' I patted the space on the bed. 'Sit with me?'

   'He must have sat close to you too,' he whimpered. 'Why is he trying to charm you with his good looks. I hate his eyes and his stupid hair…'

   'Alisdair, please sit,' I laughed. He grumbled and walked over to me. He sat down and crossed his legs too after folding his arms like an annoyed seven years old. I chuckled and uncrossed my legs, I crawled on the bed and knelt behind him while he muttered childishly. 'You know I love you, right?' I asked, sliding my hands down his shoulders.

   'But he can take you with his good looks. He doesn't have money like I do, he is not better than I am, he is not more handsome than I am!' He stomped his foot childishly. 'He doesn't love you, just want your body…'

   'Alisdair, we are just friends…'

   'Why is he your friend? Am I not your friend? Don't I give you enough time and attention? Is it our sex life? Am I bad in bed? I can improve…'

   'Alisdair! I am not leaving you for anyone!'

   'But he is handsome! Your spec!'

   'You are my only spec, the only man I admire and will ever love.'

   'Then why was he begging you, huh?' He asked, looking over his shoulder. 'To leave me for him, right?'

   'Wrong,' I whispered, planting soft kisses down his neck.

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