Book Twelve

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   I typed on my laptop, trying to concentrate on what I was doing but Erika wouldn't stop talking, she talks too much. At first, liking her was amusing and fun, but recently, her loquaciousness just irritates me because it reminds me of the same woman I am trying to forget. Kristal, I thought staying away from her would be easy but it isn't as easy as I thought it would, especially when Erika was starting to irritate me.

   '…and she said "duh!" He's my boyfriend,' she laughed. How is that funny? 'Her boyfriend is so ugly, like a bush man…' I really didn't care.

   'Erika,' I sighed, raising my hands to my head.

   'Have I told you about the time I met my ex in a carnival? That time, I was with my other ex boyfriend who adores me more than you do. You see, he is very handsome and stinky rich…' She started blabbing again. Once upon a time, I would get jealous hearing her talk about her ex. Now, I just want to delete her from the face of the planet.

   'Erika, I'm trying to work here…'

   'I know you are jealous,' she said as she whirled a strand of my hair around her fingers. 'My ex boyfriends were tall, rich, strong, gorgeous and way more better in bed. I am just managing you, condescending myself to your level because your father begged my father to manage you…' I rolled my eyes. I really don't know what I saw in her, how I managed to think I was falling for her. Was the desperation for love that intense? Her phone rang.

   'Thank God!' I exclaimed. She eyed me and answered her phonecall.

   'Hello, Becky?… What happened?… Seriously! You are lying!… Are you kidding me!…' She shrieked like the gossip she is. She quickly ran over to me, pushed me aside and took my laptop. 'I want to check it out myself, it's a lie… There is no way Dawn Dee is Kristal's daughter…' I furrowed my brows. Kristal? I stretched my neck to see what she was doing. She logged into Kristal's official blog and scrolled down.

"ON VACATION WITH THE QUEEN OF MY WORLD, MY NUMBER ONE SUPERSTAR… MEET MY DAUGHTER, IRENE DAWN DELANTERO OR AS THE WORLD WOULD CALL HER, DAWN DEE." Read the caption of her latest post. I tried not to overthink it, she might be claiming motherhood. Erika clicked on the link and checked the picture. My jaw dropped, like literally dropped down.

   'I have seen the pictures but is that Dawn Dee? She looks different,' Erika said.  'She looks really familiar…' I wiped my eyes, it was real! Same eyes, same nose, same smile, almost the same hair! What the fuck is going on here! 'Wow, is this her face without makeup and blond… I thought she was blond?… She's beautiful but looks really fami…' She paused and looked at me, her eyes widening. 'You! She looks a lot like you!' She shrieked.

   'Excuse me,' I grabbed the laptop and continued checking out the post. She looks fifteen or sixteen, that means she can… No! That isn't possible. I went back and clicked on the article explaining the birth. I ran my eyes over it, reading it as fast as my eyes could. She fell in love and got pregnant for her boyfriend but things didn't work out well for them. Is it me?

You idiot! The girl looks exactly like you!

  'Ryan, what is the meaning of this?! Can you explain why Kristal Delantero has a daughter that looks exactly like you?!' Erika yelled jealously. I viewed the pictures; Kristal in the hospital as a teen, carrying her new born baby, the baby crawling, taking her first step, laughing, the baby and Kristal's mother, the baby at three with her brothers and an old woman, Kristal and the stylish five years old posing for the camera in bikinis and many more pictures that confirmed the story. At first the girl looked like Kristal's brother but changed face later.

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