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   I used one hand to type on my phone while the other flipped the pancake. I hummed to the song playing on the MP3 player, even though I didn't know the lyrics. I was very focused on what I was doing…  'Kristal! No phone in the kitchen!' Ryan shouted. I rolled my eyes, he wasn't even here.

   'I'm not with my phone!' I shouted back.

   'Don't give me that bullshit! You are burning the pancakes to ash!' I looked at the cakes and cringed. 'Drop your phone!' I tucked the phone into my apron's pocket and turned of the stove.

   'Great,' I grumbled. It was badly burnt. I carried the pan over to the waste bin and threw it all away. I had to remake another meal.

   'And don't burn it!' He shouted again. I glared at the kitchen door, like he could see it. He can, he knew me like the back of his hands. When Ryan woke up two months before I gave birth, I had been overjoyed and excited. He didn't talk for the first one month, but he did love touching my big stomach. He was unable to move his body properly for six months afterwards, but he got better. His speech became stronger, his brain started working again but he didn't walk. Eventually, it had been seven years since his attempted murder. He could stand and manage with crushes and walking sticks, but used his automatic wheelchair sometimes.

   His condition didn't stop him from being a doctor. Immediately he could move his hands and think properly, he went back to work with his chair and he still got it. Irene was a big support to me, encouraged me all the time, along with that boyfriend of hers. It was actually not surprising with the fact that they are still together, their love was getting stronger and I'm glad she has him. I was all Ryan and no her, he gave her the love and comfort I couldn't give. Even Ryan gave her more of love than I did because of our son. Men was he annoying! Cried like the world would end on him, yelled like everyone was his slave. He was bossy and demanding, too demanding and stupid.

I love him though.

   'Mother, new Queen Of Burning!' Irene hailed as she walked into the kitchen. I laughed nervously and rolled my eyes. 'That's your problem, pay up.' I glared at her but still removed my wedding ring and slapped it on her palm. We always make bets, I mostly lose.

   'I really love that ring,' I whined.

   'I know, that's why I'm taking it.'

   'The two of you will never change,' Ryan sighed. I looked at him as he drove his chair into the kitchen. 'Am I going to cook myself so I won't die of hunger or are you gonna prepare something edible?'

   'Mom!!!' Ivan shouted from his room. 'I don't see anyone helping me brush my hair here!!!'

   'I guess I'm making breakfast,' Irene said with a click of her tongue. 'Wanna help dad? I love it when we cook together.'

   'Yes, it's nice to cook with someone who won't burn my kitchen,' dad said jestingly. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, making sure to hit his head. I shrieked when he smacked my ass and quickly drove the chair away.

   'How many times have I warned you to stop doing that!'

   'You don't seem to have any problem with it in the bedroom,' he said innocently. Irene stifled her laugh.

   'What did we agree on not letting our bedroom secret out in the open?' I whispered, bending on my knees so Irene won't hear. He leaned forward on his chair and puckered his lips.

   'You said talk dirty anytime, anywhere and always smack me.' He whispered back.

   'You know how Irene is, she always jump at the slightest chance to mock me,' I whispered.

Just For Your Love (The Second Book Of The Sacred Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now