Book Fifteen

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   I angrily banged on Ryan's parents' gate, hammering on it furiously. Can you believe the lie Ryan told me to hide the fact that Irene was missing? He said she wanted to stay over at his parents' for two days without disturbances. If truly she did run away, did he think I was some kind of foolish kid with butter for brains! The worse thing was that I couldn't reach her! Why can't I reach her! Even if we were pretending why wouldn't she keep in touch! Does she want me to die of heart attack!

   'Kristal, calm down!' Earl, my fake boyfriend shouted. Ryan and Earl hated each others guts back in highschool. Earl was Ryan's only true challenge. Although Earl didn't honestly hate Ryan, he just loved annoying the life out of him and making him utterly frustrated. Ryan on the other hand hated him for always trying to be better than him. Earl had an habit of snatching all Ryan's girlfriend. We connected and became really close friends seven years ago. Just to clarify, not very, very close.

   Earl is like this sweet annoying big brother who won't stop flirting with me. When I told him about the plans, he was more than happy to help because it meant him annoying Ryan one more time.

   'I can't calm down! In case you haven't noticed, my daughter isn't answering her calls!!!'

   'Okay, Kristal,' he cupped my cheeks. 'Breathe,'


   'Breathe,' I inhaled and exhaled.

   'Good, now let me handle this, will ya?' The gate opened, I pushed him off and stomped to the gateman. 'Kristal, can you calm…'

   'You! Where are your bosses? I want them out, now!'

   'Ma'am…' I pushed him aside, slamming his head against the gate in a careful manner. I don't want him to die. I marched inside where I could already see Ryan hiding behind his mother. I put on a very creepy grin and clapped my hands like a psychopath.

   'Good morning, The Walkers,' I took a curtsey and then grinned at Ryan. 'Ryan, can you tell me why my daughter isn't answering her calls?'

   'Er… You see, she wanted…'

   'Ryan, do you know me?' I asked with a laugh, reminding him that I am insane. He gulped. 'Stop hiding behind your mother, you chicken, and come tell me why the happy girl I sent away with you called and told me I am nothing but a liar and she hates me? Why my daughter practically yelled at me on the phone and disowned me?!!!'

   'Kristal!' Earl shouted under his breath. 'Jesus, are you from the lineage of Flash?'

   'Shut up, Earl, I'm in the middle of displaying my madness here,'

   'Earl? What the fuck are you doing in my parents' house?!' Ryan shouted.

   'Oh, he speaks.' I scoffed.

   'Look here, my child…'

   'Don't even think about it,' I snapped.  'I'm so sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, but this is between Ryan and I. I don't want to involve you both because you weren't fucking there when he raped me and neither were both of you aware!' She seemed to understand as she stepped aside and sat down on the porch. 'Thank you. Now, Ryan, can you tell me what the fuck I did to you to deserve all this?! What!!! After the hell you made me go through, trying to stop myself from being traumatized! After I found out I was pregnant and had to deal with life myself! Do you know how I suffered to survive! How I was cut off by my parents! No, you don't,'

   'You weren't there when I was struggling with cancer and a pregnancy that wanted me dead. You weren't there when my kidney started failing me. You weren't there when bleeding became my best friend…' Wow, Bloom really lied. 'You weren't there after I gave birth. You weren't there when I took care of her myself and fought all my sicknesses to live, for her sake…' I was already crying bitterly because the lie was strong.

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