Book Nine

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   I paced my room in panic mode, I finally understood what he meant after a few days. I wasn't in the right state of mind. Why? Bloom, Eric and her sister were abducted. After she left with Alis, she never came back and now Paige is also dead and Alis unconscious. Everything was scattering, everything was going wrong and him being around wasn't helping things. I didn't dare step my feet in the hospital again, for fear of seeing him, getting weak knees allover again.

   I continued pacing until a notification came into my computer. I frantically checked it, it was an email from the fashion school I registered in six months ago. They finally replied but I was no longer interested in becoming a shoe and bag designer like I love doing, I just need to disappear. I picked up my ringing phone without looking.  'Hello, Kristal Delantero speaking.'

It was silence. I removed the phone from my ear and looked at it. Unknown number. 'I'm sorry, who am I speaking to?' I asked frowningly.

   'Hi Kristal,' my body shuddered at the sound of the voice. I knew who it belonged to without needing a name. I took in a sharp breath and sneered.

   'How did you get my number?'

   'I was hoping to see you at the hospital but you are avoiding it.'

   'How did you fucking get my number, RW, or whatever your name is?!'

   'It's Ryan,'

   'Lose my number.'

   'Can I have the mercy to explain myself? Tell you why I did what I did back then?' My breathing seized. The question I had asked myself ever since.

Why did he rape me?

I wasn't going to listen, I didn't care anymore. I just needed to be away from him.

   'No, I don't care anymore. You are my past now, Ryan, let it remain that way.' I said frostily.

   'I don't want to be in your past, I want to be part of your future…'

   'What future! The one you almost ruined! The one you almost destroyed! Even though we were never friends, I trusted you. I never expected you to pull such a stunt on me no matter what your reason is. What is it then? You wanted to drop me off but then you lost control of yourself and took me to a hotel room where my fate was decided! Where you raped me?! I am not a fool, Ryan, it was all planned out for your own good and I know you did that to punish me for being rude, right? Well, thank you, lesson learnt.'

   'I know I have no excuse for what I did to you, my reason still doesn't justify my action but I seek your forgiveness…'

   'Forgiveness! You speak of forgiveness after fourteen years!!! Did you stop to think about what I went through?! A teenage girl betrayed by her friend! Raped by her crush and forced to become a single m…maniac!' I changed my words immediately. 'I almost ran mad! Almost gave up on life and I wouldn't lie to you, I attempted suicide. Did you stop to think then that I could have ended up completely traumatized? As a doctor or rather as a boy with medical interest then, didn't you realize that rape is a serious phobia for girls? No, you did not think about it, you only had to do what would satisfy your useless sexual…'

   'You had a crush on me?'

   'Is that the only thing you picked out of all I just yelled out?!' I yelled embarrassedly.

   'How come you acted like you hated me when you liked me?'

   'Hey, focus here! I said crush, not like and that is not the point!'

Just For Your Love (The Second Book Of The Sacred Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now