Book Eight

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(Extracted from Sacred Maiden)


   I hummed as I polished mom's nails very diligently, I had my complete manicure kit laid out on the bed while she watched a boring telenovela series. My ears were blocked with music, I nodded my head, tapping my foot slowly. I sat on the bed with one leg folded and the other on the floor.

   '…you made me do
   I'm with somebody new
   Oh, baby baby
   I'm dancing with a stranger
   Look what you made me do
   I'm with somebody new
   Oh baby baby
   I'm dancing with a stranger…' The music flowed into my ears. The music was to distract me from looking at the television and admiring the romance movie when such romance don't exist. Okay, maybe they do, Eric and Alis are evidence and of course, Eric's mother and my uncle but still, not real. Why can't I find my own romeo and be a Juliet… Hell, I don't want to die…arch! Love sucks.

   'I wasn't even going out tonight
   But boy I need to get you off my mind
   I know exactly what I need to do
   I don't wanna be alone tonight
   Alone tonight, alone tonight

   Look what you made me do
   I'm with somebody new
   Oh baby baby
   I'm dancing with a stranger
   Look what you made me do
   I'm with someb…' Mom tapped me, I raised my head and smiled at her. I removed one earpiece and arched a brow at her.

   'I still don't understand why you are polishing my nails for me, this makeup you added to my face is too much for someone staring indoor.'

   'You need to look very beautiful, because I'm jobless and just in case you see a sexy old man who is ready to oil your rusty engine…'

   'Ew!' She laughed, swatting my arm. 'Don't need any man, I'm okay.'

   'Oh pe-lease, Mom,' I said with an eye roll. 'Like Bloom and I didn't see the way you and that Mr. Morocco was allover each other at the hospital canteen yesterday noon.' Her face turned red. See what I mean? Even old mom is going to get a boyfriend and all I keep doing with my life is playing Cupid.

   'I don't know what you are talking about,' she lied sharply, her eyes roaming around.

   'So, you don't know who the hot widower at ward 169 is, really, Mom?'

   'I don't know who you are talking about,'

   'Oh, Mother,' I called in a singsong. 'You're lying.'

   'Bobby and I are just good friends, he is here because he just had an appendix operation, nothing more.'

   'So, when Bloom and I heard him say "I remember how stubborn and so much of a feminist you were back then in highschool, the stubborn decent angel who would never date." Was our ears having issues?' I asked smirkingly, she rolled her eyes away as her face turned red again.

   'Fine, we used to be enemies in school, the classic bad boy - good girl prank war, but unlike the novels and movies, we never fell in love and ended up together.' She said with a hint of sadness in her tone.

   'Never you say,' I purred.

   'Oh, shut up, what do you know about love.' She scoffed, I know everything yet I'm stuck with nothing.

   'I know enough to be the reason Eric still has Leila, I know enough to have pinned Alis to Bloom. I knew enough to matchmake your daughter with Paige's father, I knew enough to keep my annoying parents together and to have saved so many relationships and I also know enough to tell you to your face that your ever best highschool crush is back.'

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