Book Twenty-three

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Irene's standpoint

   I kept grinning from ear to ear as Ella and mom argued about what I would wear to my first date. So, Ella blunted out that Cole accepted me and wants to date me and then all of them parked themselves in my room, going through my wardrobe to dress me up. By all of them, I meant every single woman I love was in my room trying to turn me into what I don't know. I had Melody in my arms as her new pet, Bluey, watch me suspiciously. I would have been very terrified but I knew she wouldn't hurt me.

   Aunt Leila was excitingly arranging her makeup kit to use on me. Aunt Bernice was checking out my jewels, Bloom just watching mom and Ella argue about my outfit and Aunt Kate was checking my shoes and bags.  My maternal grandmother was downstairs, making some natural homemade stuffs to make my skin, especially my face glow. My paternal grandmother wasn't left out of the fun, she was downstairs with my other grandmother too.

Yes, we are dramatic.

   'There is no way she is going to go on a date with a hot guy wearing such lame dress and panties, what if things get hot?' Ella huffed.

   'Ella, shut up, what do you know? I'm older than you and have more experience since I've dated all types of men. I am telling you that this Cole guy is one who loves simple girls, ones who won't doll themselves up to impress him. She can dress up fancy and sparkling any other time, but for now, she needs simple.'

   'That is so not accurate! He needs to drool over her,'

   'He is still getting use to her being her, don't suffocate him! Ella, don't tell me what to wear my daughter, if you want to dress a girl up, get pregnant and bear your own.' Mom said with a dismissive wave.

   'No, no, no!' Ella shouted. 'She needs to shine!'

Mom face palmed herself. 'No, she needs to still be the elegant and sophisticated Irene he knows. When he starts getting use to her, then she can slowly start shining for him, showing him the star he is lucky to have. Right, Bloom?' Aunt Bloom raised her hands.

   'Don't add me, I'm not here.'

   'You are useless,' mom scoffed.

   'Mom, don't you think Irene should shine?'

   'Ella, how old are you?' Aunt Leila asked calmly as she arranged the eye pencils.


   'How old is Kristal?'

   'Thirty,' Ella grumbled.

   'How many guys have you dated?'

   'Mom, how does this relate?' Ella whined.

   'Reply, Ella, how many?'

   'Fine! I know I've only dated twice and Aunt Kristal have dated a million but I know how teenagers works…'

Mom gasped dramatically. 'Wow, I wasn't a teenager before,' she said ironically. I chuckled.

   'Why don't you decide, Irene? Before they kill themselves with argument.' Aunt Kate suggested.

   'You guys know she will always go for something simple, why ask?' Aunt Bernice chuckled.

   'Yes! I win!' Mom shrieked.

   'So unfair,' Ella whined.

   'Say! Why don't you get a boyfriend and dress yourself up!' Mom shrieked with mock enthusiasm. Ella rolled her eyes with red cheeks.

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