Book Eleven

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Kristal's standpoint

   I flipped through my book of design, not even sure what or why I was going through it. I was so damn frustrated, very frustrated out of my mind. I glanced at my phone again, nothing. I sighed heavily and placed both palms under my jaw. Someone knocked my office door softly.

   'Come in,' the door opened and my secretary walked in. I smiled at Yvonne and closed the book. When I came to France, I was able to get a job as a fit model while I studied. Then along the way, the owner of the fashion house recognized my talent –or possibly, my face– and made me her shoes and bag designer. Anytime she designed and sewed a dress, I worked on shoes and bags that would go well with the outfit if needed. It was the perfect collaboration.

   'Good afternoon, Miss Delantero,'

   'I've told you to call me, Kristal,'

   'I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm very much use to formal addressing. Pardon my disobedience.' I rolled my eyes, she will never change.

   'So, Miss Lipman, how may I help you?' I asked briskly. She furrowed her brows at the name I used to address her.

   'Er…Ms Sinclair asked if the designs for the dresses she submitted two weeks ago is ready.' I bit my lower lip in despair. I only had half ready, I stopped concentrating because of Ryan. How could I when I stood a high risk of losing him.

   'Tell Madeline that I only have half ready, the rest will be done and submitted in two to three days time.'

   'Okay, do you want anything else?'

   'Can I get something cold to drink?'

   'Of course, I'll be back shortly.' She walked out of the office, shutting the door gently. I sighed and buried my face into my palms. My phone rang, I picked it up and looked at the caller with a smile. She always know when I'm sad. I answered the videocall and grinned at Bloom immediately the call connected. She rolled her eyes.

   'Hi, Kristal,' uh oh.

   'Geez, Bloom, what have Alisdair done to you!' I exclaimed. She had gotten fat, like round fat. Pregnancy always made her beautiful and plumpy. Just don't tell her that.

   'What?' She looked at herself, her big stomach. 'What did he do?'

   'You are fat again,' she rolled her eyes. 'Alis is working hard to make that baby…'

   'Kristal, leave my fatness alone. Don't blame me, your brother won't stop touching me and now I'm pregnant again. You wanna know the worse thing? He crazily thinks I'm more sexy with this…' She pointed at her belly. 'Said that I turn him on faster with this ugly body. Isn't he insane?' I chuckled. 'I'm being serious here, he won't let me sleep in peace and… It wasn't this worse with the triplets. He can't stay two days without trying to ram his cock into the exhausted pregnant wife. Oh Kristal, it is so stressful for me…'

   'Take it easy, Bloom, you know your health is delicate.'

   'Why won't it be delicate?! I have to take care of a school, manage the children, put the house in order and also deal with Leila calling me every second to nag about how Eric is not treating her like a queen anymore. Kristal, who can handle pregnant Leila? Not even me! She's so annoying, snaps at everything and anything. Gets irritated by almost all good scent and is always demanding. If I can't stand her just by phone call or the three hours she spends with me, then what about Eric who lives with her.'

I laughed. 'Serves him right. He wanted a baby, now he is having one. He should relax, she has two more weeks to go and he will be free from slaps and yelling. I swear, Eric would run away from anything called pregnancy.' She laughed along with him.

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