Book Seven

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   '…mean how dare they! How dare they kick me out of Uncle Eric's fan club when I am his niece! I know everything about him, even the ones I don't know, you do because hellooooo, you are my mother! I can't believe they kicked me out because I disagreed with their useless theory of Aunty Leila and Uncle Eric breaking up…'

   'Irene…' I sighed.

   'Don't you dare, Mother! What did we discuss about you interrupting me when I'm nagging, complaining, whining or lamenting! Never interrupt me, Mother, ever!'

   'Okay, okay, tigress, calm down.'

   'Better. Now back to what I was saying… What was I blabbing about by the way?… Yes, I got kicked out of my school's Heartcode fan club which is really unfair! Why can't I remain in the club?! I am Irene Dawn Delantero, young actress and model! Do they know who I am! I am me!'

   'That is where you are wrong. They don't.'


   'Now, it's my turn to tell you to shut up and let me speak.'

   'Okay, I'm listening.'

   'Everyone in your school knows you as Irene Delantero, a brilliant teenage girl with fake mediated glasses and eye lens, a little freckle on her nose and the queen of argyle and pigtails. In other words, the queen of dorks.'


   'Now, the whole world know you as Dawn Dee, the young actress and model worth being envious of. She is smart with blonde dyed hair and jade eyes, red lips and sexy for her age. The rich granddaughter of Mrs. Lou. No one knows who your parents are or where you originated from so you are tagged as adopted. The one thing both part of your lives is not known for at all is being related to either the Briceno or Delantero. Now tell me, how would they know who you really are?'

   'Well, I wouldn't have to live two lives if you aren't making me wear wigs and glasses and hiding my identity all the time!' She yelled at me.

   'You know I am…'

   'Ashamed of me, I get it.'

   'I can never be ashamed of you, I love you very much and I can never be ashamed of the bundle of joy your father left behind for me.'

   'Well, you could have fooled me. Bye mom.' She hung up. I sighed and blinked the tears back in. I wasn't ashamed of her, I was scared of losing her, letting him know she exist and then he will have a reason to return. I don't know if I can handle it, I don't know.

    I do feel her pain, I wouldn't be able to breathe if mom ever treated me like that. I really love her, I do. Mom and the boys have helped support me until she grew so much, so strong and bossy all thanks to mom and Alisdair. When she first started acting at six, I let her act with her face and hair and all since she looked like Sebastiano. But along the years, she started changing face and her hair was turning more of brownish gold than black. I couldn't remember who she looked like but something in me kept urging me to hide her face, that it will bring trouble. My heart clenched whenever I saw her face and I knew why but yet again, I still didn't know why.

   'Kristal,' Bloom called softly. She said was sleeping before but I guess my sobbing woke her up.  'You okay?' She asked with concern. I gave her a toothy smile. 'Can I know why you are crying?'

   'No,' I sobbed. She sat up and massaged her arm with a yawn.

   'Where's mom?'

   'Having lunch at the canteen.'

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