Book Fourteen

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   I drummed my fingers on the windowsill as I looked out of the window. Dad was driving me to his parents', for me to get to know them. Well, since I "meet" him last week, mom introduced him to grandma as my father. Grandma almost smashed a vase on his head, thank goodness Uncle Seb was in Australia for business. We would have to deal with him later. It was finally time to do something about dad's parents loving dad's fiancée so much.

   'Irene,' dad called. I looked at him with a smile. 'You promised to tell me about your mother's boyfriend, who is he? Do you like him? Is he a nice guy?'

   'Yes, he is so nice I actually wished he was my biological father.'

  He frowned. 'What about me? Don't you want me as your father?'

   'I only know what mom told me about you, I don't know you fully, Dad.' I almost snorted at my lie. I hate all of mom's ex, especially the one who took jealousy to whole new level.

   'You don't know him either,'

   'I've known him for months and I like him. If I should let mom ever marry, it would be him. With how handsome he is, my half siblings would be good looking as well.' I winked at him. He looked away with a scoff and a roll of his eyes. His irritated eyes went back at the road, grinding his teeth together angrily.

   'Right, and does he have a name?'

   'That my, dear father, is none of your business.' I patted his shoulder comfortingly and turned back to the window, feeling proud of myself.

   We reached his parents' estate, it was a beautiful three storey Victorian estate. It had numerous gables and leaf green trimming all around. Lots of magenta windows and few doors and leaf green fence surrounding it. I could see the ground of the house, left in beautiful magenta painted grass for reasons best known to them. I loved the house in a sort of way.

   Dad drove into the compound and parked his car. The bodyguards standing around the compound all bowed until we were out of the car. Dad waved them off in annoyance and stomped in without me. I stood there at the door, staring with feign confusion until a woman opened the door for me. I didn't need anyone to tell me she was my paternal grandmother, the only differences between dad and her were the skin, eyes and hair.

   'Good evening, ma'am,' I greeted with a polite bow. She was taken aback by my politeness, she was expecting me to be rude as most kid my age with such money and fame would. Or maybe something else entirely, no idea why.


   'Yes, can I…'

   'Oh, yes, come in,' she gushed. She stepped aside for me. I walked in keeping a large grin. She shut the door softly. 'So, how's your mother?'

   'She is great, sends her greeting.'

   'I was hoping she would tag along,'

   'She thought of it as rude and improper. Her idea is that I get to know my father's family first and bond with them. She has no right to be here but I do.' I rolled my eyes internally. If it was up to mom, she would never let me out of her sight. She has trust issues when it comes to me.

   'Wow, that is very considerate of her.' I nodded, looking around the giant living room.

   'Can I call you grandma? I love informality.'

   'Of course,' she chuckled. I stared at the beautiful milk chair and back at her for permission.  'Feel free, dear, this is your home as much as it is ours.'

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