Book Eighteen

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   I loved the way I took care of the bitch but that didn't mean I wasn't angry, I couldn't even look at him. I decided to text the girls, one of them ought to calm me down but certainly not Leila, she is super professionalize when it comes to adding salt to an open wound. Thankfully, Bernice was online and so was Bloom.

Me: hey girls! 🙋

I waited for about five minutes before Bernice replied in the group chat.

Bernice: hey sis, how's your date going?

Me: it was going perfectly, just the way I wanted it to.

Bloom: uh oh, I see a was.

Bernice: does it have anything to do with Erika picking a fight with you?

Me: don't tell me the video has already gone viral!

Bernice: not viral, just uploaded. It was uploaded by a friend, I already begged him to take it down for the mean time.

Bloom: it doesn't matter, others must have gotten it anyways. You have serious damage control to work on.

Leila: that shouldn't bother you, sweetie, whatever they think is their own business, not yours. Who can't handle the fact that you are dating your baby's daddy, should go fuck a spindle.

Bloom: praise thy Lord, somebody!

Bernice: hallelujah!

I chuckled and crossed my legs.

Leila: why are we praising?

Bernice: because of you. For the first time in the history of history, Leila Wellington Briceno did not add more salt to someone's injury.

Leila: delete that Wellington, it's blinding my eyes.

Me: something is wrong with her, Bloom, are you feeling me?

Bloom: definitely, Leila, what's wrong? Is Eric bothering you?

Me: Tell me so I can come over and iron his face to the ground.

Leila: it's nothing serious, girls, I'm just terrified.

Bloom: you are terrified about your beautiful daughter, that you won't be a good mother to her. When you started taking care of Ella, she was all grown up and mom did most of the caring, you didn't. Now you feel insecure about raising your own, your own infant and that is terrifying you.

Bernice: Leila, you are doing great with Melody, she might not tell you this but you are.

Me: plus you don't need to worry much, in most relationships, one is more considerate with children than the other and in your case, Eric is.

Leila: I know but he would have to get back to his music, he can't put it on hold forever.

Bloom: when I have a problem that is bothering me, I sit Alisdair down and talk to him about it. Ever tried that? Or is there a reason for your sadness other than what you just stated?

Bernice: if I didn't know any better, or didn't trust my instinct at all, I wouldn't say this.

Me: say what? Leila is jealous of her baby? I know.

Bloom: jealous?

Leila: I'm not jealous.

Me: Eric spends more time with the baby than her, he pours all his attention to Melody and forgets about her. Leila have gotten so use to his pampering and care that now he isn't giving it to her, she feels left out.

Just For Your Love (The Second Book Of The Sacred Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now