Book Ten

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Never runaway from your problem, it only gets worse.

I learnt that the hard way.

   So, it had been two years since I disappeared. I kept contact with my family on the low and tried hiding in France but it didn't work that well. Heck! It didn't work at all because he eventually never left me. The man is serious about wanting me back, he never gave up. He sent me messages every morning and evening and flowers thrice a week. Even though we were very far apart, he didn't give up at all. I got tired of changing my numbers and trying to change houses.

   To admit the truth, I got addicted to his morning and evening messages. Got addicted to seeing the pictures of him he sent along with the flowers. I spent each day anticipating the kind of sweet words he would use on me. He successfully won my heart again and all it took was two years.

   Honestly, I didn't have any single anger left in me. I just wanted him back. I was tired of lying to myself and running away. Sixteen years is enough denial, enough pain and misery. How long will I continue to suffer emotionally? How long will I keep drowning in sorrow, clouded by frustration and enfolded by loneliness. I've tried moving on, it wasn't working. I tried sleeping around, I was only doing myself and no one else. I also think it's time Irene get to know her father, even if we don't get back together.

   'Mom, can you stop drumming your fingers as you stare at your phone impatiently?' Irene snapped me out of my well of thoughts. I looked at her, she was busy reading a book. 'Stop it mom, what are you waiting for?' Your stupid father haven't sent me any message for a week now. It felt like I was going to die, my depression was starting to increase and honestly, I was starting to fall sick.

   'Nothing,' I lied and pushed the phone away. I picked up my spoon to continue eating my cereal but I kept eyeing the phone as I ate.

What if he's sick?

What if he's dead!

   I grabbed my phone and frantically went to my contact to call him like I would always try to do when I thought about him dying. I inhaled and stopped myself again. It doesn't matter, I shouldn't care. I dropped the phone again and continued eating. Irene was looking at me with a lopsided smirk and arched brow. 'What?'

   'Mom, why don't you want to accept that you are in love with that guy.' I rolled my eyes. She believes I'm in love with the man sending me flowers and messages, unaware that he is her father.

   'I don't know what you are talking about.'

   'Mother, you do realize that you are thirty now, right?'

   'And so?'

   'Aren't you tired of singledom? You know, singleton?'

   'I am not old yet, I still have a long year left.'


   'Beside, I am still waiting for your father…'

   'Oh puh-lease,' she said with an eye roll. 'What the fuck do you think I am, a kid? I'm not five anymore, Mom. If you knew better, you would remember that you gave birth to me, not a dumb dodo bird.'

   'And what is that suppose to mean?'

   'Dad is dead,' she said plainly. 'I am done believing that man is ever coming back. Maybe you can really tell me what went down with you two instead of lying to your grown fifteen years old daughter who is going to study journalism in the future. I'm not dumb, Mom. I am a reporter you know.' She said without looking at me. I sighed, I was already suspecting she knew something.

Just For Your Love (The Second Book Of The Sacred Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now