Book Nineteen

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   Begging Eric, that was the hardest thing to do. I had gotten so use to him always doing the apology that I forgot how to pronounce "sorry" to him. Now I think about it, he has really endured a lot from me and I feel sorry for myself because the him I know will make me pay. I did a quick sign of the cross before I knocked on his room door gently. I kicked him out of our room when the pregnancy was almost seven months and I restricted him from touching me when the pregnancy turned eight. In a sort of way now, almost three or is it already three months?

Leila, Dark is right when he once said "Leila, you are possess."

   'Who's that?' My heartbeat palpitated, I rubbed my sweaty palms on my thighs and chuckled nervously.

   'It's me, Leila?'

   'Since when do you knock?'

   'Just open the door, you bag of weed!' I shouted, I bit my lip and hit my head.

   'Not locked.' I pushed it open and walked in with an innocent grin, looking at him as he rocked Melody in his arms.

   'Hi,' I said nervously.

   'Hi…?' He said back puzzledly. I walked closer to him and touched Melody's head, hot. 'Yeah, I was planning to take her to the hospital tomorrow, Melody has been running temperature all evening.'

   'Did you bother to check if she has drugs?' I scoffed, walking over to her shelf. Eric made the room for her even though he lives in it.

   'I don't know what to give her, I'm bad at the medication aspect.'

   'You should have asked,'

   'So you'll snap at me again, no, thank you.'

Gosh, Leila, what is wrong with you?

   I picked up her paracetamol syrup and walked back to him.  'It's just a minor headache,' I sat on the bed and stretched my hands out to him. He gave me Melody reluctantly. He remained standing in silence while I gingerly gave her the syrup. After she finished taking it, she started crying.

   'Give her to me,'

   'Don't worry, I'll do it myself, she's hungry.'

   'I'll get her bottle…'

   'No, breast milk…'

   'Since when did you care?'

Okay, ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch! That hurt my feeling.

   'I care, Eric, she's my daughter too as well as yours, don't forget that.'

   'It's just surprising because you don't give a fuck about her as much as I do,'

   'I care and love her, Eric, I just envy her.'

   'Envy her?'

  I sighed and smiled as she hungrily took my nipple into her mouth.  'You pampered me so much, too much. Now you are focused on the baby, I just feel… I'm jealous.'

He sighed too and sat on the dresser. 'Whose fault is that? You know what you have been doing is enough to get a divorce, don't you?' I nodded. 'What is wrong with you, Leila? Why do you keep taking my love for granted? Why do you always abuse my feeling? I know you will just defend your actions because you are always right but still, it hurts. You are not the woman I fell in love with, what happened to her?' He lamented exasperatedly. A tear fell on Melody's face.

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