Book Sixteen

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   At first I thought staying with Cole would be bad and hard for me, but I was wrong, very wrong. It was the best moments of my life, seeing him from a whole new angle. He loved his mother so much, adored and cared for her like his life depended on her happiness. He did everything possible he could to make her happy, to make her proud of him and comfortable.

   The first day of my stay, we painted the house together, us and two other men. He was very good at painting and I knew how to arrange the house so we worked together. I did the shopping for all the new furniture, electronics and his mother did the kitchen utensils. He changed every single thing in the house, from the smallest to the biggest and now, he was officially broke but he didn't care.

   The following day, we had to stay in an hotel so the paint could dry off. In the hotel room, we stayed up almost all-night to watch a marathon of our favorite show together. It was just me and him alone in the dark, his mother sound asleep and unaware of me being wrapped up in his arms. I had slept off first and later woke up with him asleep, firmly imprisoned in his cuddle. That moment, just staring at his beautiful face, his eyes shut and lips parted a little. I shamelessly agree to stealing a kiss and snuggling closer. It was amazing!

   And then on day three, we returned and arranged everything I selected. After the work, we had a mini party to celebrate and then mom decided to prepare her favorite pies for me, since Cole never stopped making me jealous by talking about them. After pie, we planned on sitting at the pool he installed for her before my arrival. I was about to get dressed when Aunt Bloom sent me a text about the update of my parents. I was really happy that she helped improve my plans and now they would be together soon instead of playing chase.

   Anyways, I was currently chasing him around the pool with my slippers, he licked everything! I was so upset and him laughing wasn't helping my annoyance at all. 'Is that how fast you can go, Irene babe? Come on, even my slug can run faster than that.' He taunted. I huffed and stood with arms akimbo, breathing heavily. I couldn't catch him, he was a fucking footballer and I was just a girl who can't run.

   'I swear, I'll kill you.'

   'With what? A slipper? Come on, you can do better than that, babe.'

   'Stop calling me babe!' I snapped.

   'Babe,' he called again, wiggling his brows at me. No one ever gets the best out of me, not even my own mother and that is saying something. But with Cole, it felt like I'd never win.

   'Cole, you are evil and I will not let you win over me,' I stated and turned around, heading back to the kitchen to eat the licked pies. All I needed to do was imagine it like kissing him or eating from his mouth and everything would be fine. In fact, I was already looking forward to it, I am crazy to think that but what am I suppose to do? Let the delicious pies all go to one stomach? Never!

   I let out a very frightened high pitched yelp when I was suddenly flying in the air and landed on his shoulder. 'Hey, booty,' he purred at my ass and smacked it.

   'Cole! What are you doing! Put me down!' I commanded. He dropped me down on my feet, only to carry me bridal style again, holding me too tight to escape. 'What do you think you are doing?'

   'Have I ever told you that you're a pretty little feline? A cute, sexy one?'

   'Do I care?'

   'Most felines hate water, you hate water.'

   'Your point is?' I asked impatiently. He smirked slyly. My eyes widened with horror. 'No, no, no! No! Cole, don't you dare!' I shrieked and started thrashing in his arms. 'Put me down!'

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