Book Three

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   The days flew by fast, me planning my revenge as I did my work. That night, I cried myself to sleep because it was better not knowing what he thought of me than knowing at all. Saturday, I did my nature work, Sunday, tortured Sebastiano because I don't like him anymore or maybe because I'm me. Monday, dealt with three teachers by pranking them and in the evening of Monday, got ready for my plan. Tuesday, kept working on my plan which leave us to Wednesday. It was after school, I was shopping for new clothes with Sebastiano's credit card, the one I "borrowed". I'm sure he won't mind, or let him mind, I don't care.

   'Are you sure about this, Kristal?' Nancy who was with me asked. She knew about the plan because I trust her.

   'Pretty sure,'

   'Can't you reconsider?'

   'Nope,' I popped, checking out the dresses hanging down the rail.


   'Should I buy the blue one of the cyber top or the red?'

   'Kristal,' she sighed.

   'Are you going to help me pick a dress for Friday or not? I didn't cuff you to myself and drag you here to hear you speak of nonsense.'

   'Fine,' she walked to another rail. 'I think you should go for the white,'

   'Is there white here?'

   'I don't know, you should ask the snooty lady at the counter, I will look for the perfect shoes to match the outfit or the weird one to just standout and say, "I'm Kristal and I am a lunatic"! Like that?'

   'You know me, I love being crazy,' I winked at her. She laughed and threw me a long sleeve cyber top, a red one with black stripe.

   'Use that to explain what you want, not everyone have sense.'

   'Exactly,' I laughed and walked to the lady at the counter. Earlier, she was so rude and snooty, acting like she is better than us. 'Excuse me,' I said, eyeing her dirty blonde hair to her freckled face and over plum lips with too much purple lipstick and a makeup that made her big protruding eyes pop. Does she realize how ugly she is?

   'What,' she snapped. I ignored her again.

   'I was wondering if you guys have the white sleeveless cyber top of this one? Only with more beautiful design?'

   'Do I look like the boutique to you? How am I suppose to know.'

   I inhaled and smiled. 'Can you check? I'm sure this boutique keeps record of everything in here, can you?'

   'Look, I don't have time to bother about some small brat and get stress wrinkles, go find it yourself.'

   'Trust me, baby witch, your face is already ruined enough, adding wrinkles won't change a thing.' I said, tired of listening to her.

   'Excuse me?'

   'You sit behind that counter with your ugly flat ass, insulting people with better lives than yours. When we came here, you called us hopeless children. Bitch, this hopeless children are the ones whose money give you a paycheck. I have wealthy parents, any car of my choice, a freaking handsome older brother to boss around, I go to a school you can't even afford even if you sell your entire poverty stricken generation and many more. So tell me, who is hopeless among the two of us? You, the freckled face hairless poor bitch, sitting behind the counter and being a salesgirl or me who is beautiful and born with a silver spoon?' I asked mockingly, giving her my own snooty gaze. She kept her mouth shut. I leaned on the counter and smirked. 'And let me remind you that your staying with a job is at my hands, wanna test that?'

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