Book Twenty-one

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Leila's standpoint

   Staring at my sexy self in the mirror, I went over the whole plan in my head over and over again. I wore a tiger skin robe, a light one that did nothing in hiding my cleavage and boobs; one that added more sexiness to my legs. I went as far as wearing heels, adding a little smokey makeup and letting my hair fall in curls. Eric used to always make me dress like that. He would turn off the lights leaving just one and watch me dance like a stripper as he drank with pleasure. It was a sick turn on for him. Hell! Whenever he saw me in heels and a robe or towel, he instantly lost it

Hopefully, he still had that same craving.

   I smoothened my hair with a smile when I felt it, someone watching me. I jolt my head around, no one. I walked to the door and opened it, there was no sign or scent that said Eric was spying on me. I was about to close the door when I heard a small meow. It almost didn't sound like one at all but I knew it belonged to a cat. Did Eric get a cat? Ella is allergic. I turned and saw a small adorable black cat with beautiful glossy blue hair on it head, falling off like a mane. It had little blue spots that resembled a jaguar's and then the her eyes were blue. It was rolling on my bed, enjoying the comfort of the soft bed.

   'Hey there, little fella,' I cooed, sitting carefully on the bed. 'Are you lost?'

   'Meow,' it crawled over on her belly and pushed my hand with a snort. It sniffed my hand and purred, rubbing herself against it. I carried her into my laps, stroking it head as it purred more. I checked, it was a she. 'Meow.'

   'You look like a baby panther, but panthers don't have spots, especially blue…' I gasped. 'Dark! You're Dark and Sapphire's!' She rolled over on my laps. 'What are you doing here? Did he drop you off because of me? How did you get here? Sapphire must be so… Hey!' I shouted when she suddenly sprung away from my hands and was out of the room in a blur. I stood up and ran after it, calling for her but I didn't even see where she ran to. She ran so fast it felt like she teleported.

   Then I heard Eric scream, I quickly ran to him room. I opened the door and saw him standing at the far corner of the room, staring at the cat who didn't give a fuck about him. She was more busy hissing and growling at Melody, her blue claws sticking out. My heart hammered against my chest, my baby! Luckily, Ella was a deep sleeper so no harm done, yet.

   'Hey, calm down, that's my baby,' I didn't even know I was already crying. I saw Eric stylishly walking over to the wardrobe to get his gun. 'It's no use, Eric, you can't shoot he…AAH!' I screamed when she lunged at my baby. I made to run to her but she flew pass the baby and landed on the other side of the bed, disappearing under it. I wasted no time in grabbing Melody who was already crying from our screams, and moved back to the door.

   'She's fighting something,' Eric gasped, the bed was shaking. I moved over to Eric trembling with fear. I thought I was going to lose my baby. Eric held me tight, shielding my baby and I as we waited for whatever was to happen. The trembling stopped and for a few seconds, everywhere was quiet. Well, not until she jumped out of the bed, wagging her tail happily.

   'Meow!' She shouted, inclining her head towards the bed. When we made no move, she went back in only to return dragging a dead snake.

A fucking huge yellow and brown snake!

   'Oh my God,' I breathed, hugging my baby tighter as she cried.

   'How did a snake get under the bed!' Eric shouted. 'What…' The cat was celebrating her victory, strutting around her dead opponent proudly. Her running stopped as her ears perked, she could hear something else. She dashed off in a blur again.  'I'll follow her, you stay here.'

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