Book Twenty-two

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Irene's standpoint

   It was finally Monday, I was really nervous, agitated and reluctant. Ella was in my room rummaging through my wardrobe for something I would wear. Even though we went shopping, she was still uncertain on what I would wear. I admire her a lot, she almost got eaten by a snake few days ago, but was acting as if nothing ever happened. And yet I threw a tantrum when I almost got eaten by  sharks. Ella is too filled with light to embrace darkness.

   'Okay, since you don't want to overdress yourself like you rudely snapped few minutes ago,' she said with an annoyed tone. She wanted to turn me to her, barbie doll sparkle princess, but I snapped at her.  'I found you something that would do just fine. An off the shoulder long sleeved beige dress that isn't too short or too long, mid thigh to be precise, and a pair of knee-high boots to go with it. Okay?'

   'Sounds good to me,'

She rolled her eyes and muttered something to herself. 'What about your hair?'

   'I've decided to leave my hair down, a little gel and hairspray will surely bring out it waves. You can handle my makeup and no crazy colors and sparkles.'

   'You know, Irene,' she said, cocking her hips and leaning on the frame of my large wardrobe, arms folded under her breasts. 'If I didn't know any better, I'd say this nerdy act has gotten into your head…' I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it. 'Or you are trying to look like that so Cole will still see you are you.' She stated the truth. I looked away from her.

   'I don't know what you are talking about,' I lied sheepishly.

   'Yup, right after all.'

   'Okay fine! What do you expect me to do?! I miss him so much,' I whimpered at the end.

   'Irene, you have to put yourself together. I didn't behave like this when Justin broke up with me after sleeping with me.'

I sneered with a scoff and folded my arms. 'I'm sorry my definition of getting better isn't making my ex boyfriend's life miserable because he dumped me.' Ella dated last year. She never really liked the guy but only dated him for dating sake. He dumped her after sleeping with her thrice and thought he could get away with it. Ella is a silent killer. She tortured him secretly by pranking him, causing problems he was blamed for until he was finally expelled from school.

The rule is this: never get expelled from Aunt Bloom's school or you might never find another school to attend in America. Everyone knew how loving and sweet she was so she expelling you means you are a very bad child, a menace.

To cut the long story short, Justin is stuck in a military school.

   'My dear, you don't know anything about life,' she said as she shook her head pitifully. She walked over to me and placed a motherly hand on my shoulder. 'Here's the difference between mine and yours. Justin and I dated and he slept with me, that was an insult to my pride when he dumped me in front of so many people. Yours, you and Cole were never dating and he has never done anything else than kissing, that was even a one time thing.

   You have terrible anger issue love, if he had dated and already popped that cherry of yours, you wouldn't be standing here blabbing about not hurting a boy that hurt me. Date Cole, sleep with him and then let him dump you in public to humiliate you and see what will happen next.'

   'I still wouldn't have gone as far as ruining his life,' I huffed, pushing her hand off. She started laughing. 'What?'

   'Geez, Irene! Heartbreak has wiped your memory. Have you forgotten that you were the one who made his parents send him to a military school? The one who helped me execute my plans to get him expelled? Don't play innocent.'

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