Book One

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I'm really sorry. This book somehow deleted. I almost didn't want to start it all-over again, but I just had to because of the requests.


   '...up, Kristal!' Someone shouted, I whimpered and tossed on my bed.

   'Go away, Porcupine,'

   'It's already 9am!' My maid shouted panicking. 'You'll be late for school again and your mother would be furious!'

   'Go to hell,' I growled. I never give up my sleep for anyone or anything, that is my number one priority. 'Must sleep...' Trust me, most times, I don't even get up even if an entire barrel of water is emptied on me. Sleep time is me time.

   'Is that twat still sleeping?!' My stepbrother barked from the hallway. His father married my mother after he divorced his mother and they had me. His name is Sebastiano, a very stubborn bastard who cares for no one else but himself... Okay, maybe I am not being completely honest, he cares for his best friends –one who is our cousin– and my only best male friend. He also cares about me a lot, even if he won't admit it out loud or even mentally. I love him, yet I hate him as well. We always fight, we never agree. Seb and I in the same room was war, which was funny because my mother always seem to pair us together. She believes she can make us be friends, nonsense!

   'Kristal!' He yelled, stomping into my room. 'Get your ass off that bed and get ready for school, now!'

   'Get lost, Seb, didn't you see the no termites sign on the door.' I snorted, pushing my head into the pillow.

   'If this termite wasn't condemn to driving you to school everyday, he wouldn't be here talking to you!' I turned around and smirked at him.

   'At least you know you are a termite,'

   'Get up!'

   'Stop acting like the good son that must get to school fast because lateness is a sin. Oh holy son of punctuality, what are you still doing home by this time?' I mocked.

   'I have to wake up your useless ass!'

   'And you are waking me now? Seb, get out of my room.' I said calmly.

   'Stand up or I'll call mom, tell her that a guy sneaked into your room last night and that is why you won't wake up.' He threatened like the idiot he was.

   'And as usual, you proved to be more stupid than I thought, another complete brand of foolishness added to your long list.' I said with a pathetic tit of my tongue.

   'Kristal, I'm warning you.'

   'Humph,' I hugged my pillow and adjusted. 'A guy suddenly becomes the reason for my since birth habit, how original. Please shut the door when you leave and don't forget to drag your stupidity along with you.'

   'Why you...!'

   'Bitch, I know. It is better to be a bitch than a sack of nails, please leave my room, Seb.' I shut my eyes to sleep back. He knew very well that nothing he did would wake me up. He was my driver, leaving without me would be so bad for him.

   'Kristal,' someone chuckled. I looked over my shoulder and offered Eric a smile. 'Get up, will ya?'

   'When did you get back from your tour?'

   'Last night, I slept here because apparently, my parents were in fire mood.'

   'So, you were in Seb's room, making up for lost times,' I smirked teasingly. He rolled his eyes as Seb scoffed.

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