Chapter Three

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So this was the winning book!


Jin could not help but glance around as he attempted to keep up with Taehyung, who was walking ahead of him. It was not because he was going too quickly that he hastened behind him; it was because his eyes were scanning every open space of the house, falling in love with the décor that screamed expensive taste. He instantly thought about Taehyung's net worth and profession; he had hoped to learn a lot of these things before their first meeting, but that had not been the case.

From Jimin's experience to his, it has undoubtedly been unique. He questioned why it was so critical that he meet with Taehyung immediately and why he could not have waited until later, maybe after his afternoon travels to wherever he was headed. He could have waited, but the notion of his receiving an allowance at their first encounter had him excited.

He was not afraid to acknowledge that he needed every dollar he could obtain right now. It was his main motivation for signing up for this, and he would not pretend otherwise. There was no other reason for him to need the services of a sugar daddy. He had no daddy issues; his father was a wonderful man who did all he could for him; yet, his parents were unaware he had lost his scholarship, and he could never bring himself to reveal it to them.

"Have a seat there."

Only after Taehyung's words did Jin realize they had entered his office.

Jin cast a look around before proceeding to the leather sofa Taehyung had indicated for him to sit on.

"Would you want a drink?" Taehyung offers as he unbuttoned the first two buttons on his shirt and retrieved a glass from his office's bar, pouring himself some infused water from the mini-fridge.

Jin, who had been watching him with his eyes roaming around, decided he needed a cup of coffee after being roused from his bed at such a late hour, "coffee, please and thank you."

"How do you like your coffee?"

"Light cream with two teaspoons of sugar."

Taehyung doesn't respond to him, but he proceeds to the coffee machine in his office and begins brewing a cup of coffee for Jin.

Jin was nervous as he sat in the room watching Taehyung prepare his coffee; he was unsure whether he was supposed to say something or initiate a conversation. His first impression of Taehyung indicated that he was dealing with someone who would most likely not want him to speak until he was spoken to. He made him uneasy and intrigued, particularly given that he had chosen him as a sugar baby and, by all indications, he had not yet been rejected.

Soon after that, Taehyung brought the cup of coffee over to Jin on a tray, gave him a napkin, and said, "let me know whether it is to your liking."

"Thank you," Jin said as he moved back on the couch, taking the tray and placing it on his lap.

Taehyung stood above him, staring at him, making Jin realize he was waiting for him to taste the coffee, which he promptly does to offer feedback.

"It's perfect, thank you."

Taehyung moved around to his desk, sat down, and started opening the desk drawer, bringing out a stack of documents.

"What made you sign up to become a sugar baby?"

Jin was mid-sipping his coffee when he stopped to respond to Taehyung's question, "I signed up to pay off my tuition and some outstanding obligations I now have."

After answering Taehyung, Jin thought if he might ask the flip question about why Taehyung had joined up to be a sugar daddy, but he reasoned that he might not have that right at the time.

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