Chapter Six

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Jin felt anxious due to the silence in the car. Since he entered, Taehyung had not said a word to him, and they had been driving for more than twenty minutes. Uncertain what to do, he pulled out his phone and started messaging Jimin, as he didn't have much time to talk to Jimin before leaving. He knew Jimin understood, but he still felt bad.

He smiled as he started talking back and forth with Jimin, and Jimin stated how handsome Taehyung was and how surprised he was to see him. Jin couldn't agree more; the man was extremely attractive, and he was far from the sugar daddy he imagined. He wondered whether that was how all sugar daddies looked. He had not yet worked his way through the site but hoped to do so soon.

He continued texting with Jimin for the entire car journey. He was hungry and unsure whether he would be able to find anything to eat easily. He wanted to ask Taehyung, but after staring at him and seeing his expression, he decided to wait until they arrived at his penthouse, which he assumed they were headed to.


Even when Jin and Taehyung took the elevator together to the penthouse floor, Jin was still taken aback by how quiet the man had been towards him. He pondered if this was because he had not heeded his prior requests. The silent treatment was something he was not used to, not that he had anyone to give him the silent treatment, but still, this was odd.

After entering the penthouse, Jin remembered what he had been taught earlier and made sure to remove his shoes and leave his possessions by the holder near the entrance. He then picked a pair of slippers as Taehyung remained nearby and observed him.

"Follow me." Taehyung finally spoke after Jin had turned to look at him.

Jin's heart skipped a beat as he heard his voice, and he pushed his lips together to calm himself. He was perplexed as to why someone he knew so little about had such an impact on him. He was extremely nervous around this man.

He exhaled as he passed by the area where he remembered the security detector and did not hear a beep. He'd done all he could to ensure he didn't have anything on him that would set off the sensor Taehyung was using.

Following Taehyung, he saw that they were headed towards a different side of his suite from where he had previously visited. He looked about at the décor, admiring how simple but elegant everything was at the same time. Whoever was in charge of setting up the penthouse deserved much praise. Everything was in the right place, and the color combination was perfect.

He nearly fell while following Taehyung with his eyes fixed on every element and piece of furniture. He was too concentrated on everything, and everything was moving. At least he caught himself before he fell over. Turning the turn with Taehyung, they entered the kitchen, and his eyes widened as he realized he was head over heels in love with it. The kitchen was just stunning. He had not anticipated the off-white hues since most of the other areas of the home he had seen had a darker look and feel, but the kitchen was bright and sparkling, and he had not expected that.

"Did you eat dinner already?" His attention was drawn away from his thoughts by Taehyung's question.

Looking at Taehyung, Jin shook his head, "no, not yet." He was so thankful Taehyung asked that, as he was starving.

"What time do you usually eat dinner?"

"Umm, I don't have a set time, usually when I feel hungry. Most days, I would say around seven."

"What about breakfast?" Taehyung inquired further, staring at Jin.

"I don't eat breakfast," Jin said with a shake of his head. "It's not my cup of tea. If I feel like I need anything, I'll eat a piece of fruit or a smoothie. On weekends, though, I attempt to have breakfast, but that is about all I accomplish on those days."

"Are you suggesting that you start your day and don't eat anything till lunch?"

"It happens like that now and again. Even though I consider it brunch, my first meal is between eleven and twelve o'clock on most days. Mornings are spent with a cup of coffee, to be honest. I like my coffee and drink it multiple times a day."

Taehyung placed both hands in his pocket, his eyes firm on Jin, "what did you eat today?"

In an attempt to recollect what he had eaten, Jin pouted his lips together. "I'm not sure I ate anything at all today-"

"Why not?"

"I slept for most of the day. I didn't get much sleep the night before, so when I got home after leaving here, I was exhausted and promptly fell asleep."

"This is unacceptable. We will address this later since skipping meals is never a smart option. This is stated in the agreement I previously provided you with. How is it possible that you haven't eaten today? Regardless of how exhausted you were, you should have scheduled time for eating in addition to completing the tasks I ordered you to do earlier. I am quite disappointed in your actions and your disregard for straightforward directives.

I will not forgive this behavior, and you will face repercussions later. For the time being, since you have not eaten. Take a seat next to the kitchen island; I'll make dinner, and you'll eat it. Is there anything I should be aware of in terms of allergies?"

Taehyung's tone was forceful, and his gaze was fixed on Jin, which added to his nervousness.

"There are no allergies," Jin replied, at a loss for words. He had no idea Taehyung would scold him for not eating. Typically, Jimin would scold him for his terrible eating habits, which he was well aware of, but it worked for him.

He sat down and watched as Taehyung went over to the refrigerator. He had never had anybody other than Jimin and his parents prepare food for him. He also found it interesting since he was not expecting a sugar daddy to do this for him, and he was looking forward to whatever Taehyung was going to prepare for him.

Taehyung closed the refrigerator door as a thought occurred to him, and he turned to look in Jin's direction, "how are you feeling?"

"I feel okay-"

"After us having sex earlier, how do you feel?"

"Oh, I feel fine-"

"I need honesty, Seokjin."

Jin took a deep breath, hearing his name from Taehyung, "I do feel okay, but I am sore, just a bit."

"I want you to come with me so that you may take a bath and do the soak I directed you to do earlier while I cook dinner. I don't want you to be very sore later since you've already gotten yourself into a lot of trouble for your disobedience today."

Jin got up from his seat and walked behind Taehyung, his gaze fixed on him. If his sugar daddy required him to soak, he assumed there was no other option for him but to go through with it.

When they entered the bathroom, Jin was in awe, just as he had been with the rest of the home. He could tell that this was the main bathroom because of the size. The large jacuzzi tub in the center was a show-stopper.

While his gaze wandered throughout the room, Taehyung was hard at work preparing his bath for him. In the corner of his eye, he could see Taehyung putting things into the tub as it filled with water. He couldn't tell what they were since he couldn't see them, but he believed Taehyung would know what he was doing.


Jin was taken aback by the abrupt statement, but he nodded his head and immediately started pulling off his clothing, folding them, and settling upon the bench next to the shower area. When he was undressed, he wrapped his arms about himself, still not comfortable with Taehyung seeing him in such a state of vulnerability.

"Come over here to me."

Listening to Taehyung, he walked towards him, his eyes on the ground, not wanting to make eye contact.

He moved closer, and Taehyung's arm snaked around his waist, going down to his ass, giving him a strong squeeze and telling him to "get in the tub. I'll set a timer for you, and when it goes off, you'll be ready to get out of the tub. The closet to your left at the end of the bathroom has a robe; please put it on and meet me back in the kitchen when you are done."


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