Chapter Thirty-Five

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Taehyung tapped his fingers on the kitchen counter, patiently waiting for the pasta on the stove to finish boiling. He also attempted to occupy his attention with different things as he sensed some unsettling changes happening with Seokjin.

He attempted to remember that Seokjin was expecting a baby, which might explain his abrupt mood and behavior shift. He was aware of the complicated circumstances related to Seokjin's parents. Although he had never had such an unpleasant interaction with anyone's parents before, he understood the seriousness of the issue. The way they acted was understandable.

It was no secret that there was a huge age gap between him and Seokjin, and he was unsure of how he would have reacted if, at some point in the future, one of his children had returned home with a person who was fifteen years older than them.

He carefully considered different approaches to improving the situation and preventing Seokjin from feeling upset. Nevertheless, he was determined not to yield to Seokjin's parents. Seokjin's father was quite harsh with his words, which he found unnecessary. He also disliked the man's tendency to make assumptions, as if he doubted his ability to care for Seokjin.

Taehyung realized that he had unintentionally upset them even more with his thoughts on marriage, but he didn't mind and had no intention of apologizing. He had been married once before, but it was more of a spur-of-the-moment decision when his ex-husband got pregnant. In wanting to be there and not have his child be born out of wedlock, he initiated their marriage, and it turned out to be nothing other than a failure.

The only good thing that came out of his marriage was that they had two kids together, but apart from that; there was nothing worth getting down on one knee and proposing for.

He soon discovered that divorce came with a hefty price tag, and as someone with considerable wealth, the financial impact of the finalized divorce was huge.

Regardless of Seokjin's or his parents' opinions, he was determined to stand by his words. Whenever he decides to marry again, he is determined to be sure of his decision.

At this moment, his and Seokjin's future seemed uncertain. He loved Seokjin, and although they hadn't planned on having a child, it was a sudden surprise for which he also took responsibility for not using protection.

Even now, he remained uncertain about how to tell his children that they would soon have a sibling. He was unsure how they would react, particularly when considering his daughter, Nabi. He hoped they wouldn't be upset, but he couldn't shake off his concerns. Considering his daughter's personality, he had high hopes that she would handle things well, especially since she liked Seokjin and had previously wished for a sibling. As for his son, Eun-Soo, he knew a conversation would be needed as he didn't want Eun-Soo to continue having the thoughts he had shared with Seokjin.

After completing the dinner preparations, he headed towards the bedroom, where he expected to find Seokjin resting. As he entered the room, he noticed Seokjin nestled under the blanket, facing away from the door.

"Seokjin." He said as he ventured deeper into the room. He received no reply but observed him drawing the blanket nearer to his form. Taehyung felt a twinge of irritation upon seeing this, but he remained silent as he made his way towards the bed and sat on it.

Gently running his fingers through Jin's hair, he extended an invitation, "I've prepared dinner; please join me."

"I am not hungry."

"Seokjin, do you want to explain why you are acting like this? Is this because of what happened today with your parents?"

"I just want to sleep if that is okay with you," Jin replied, distancing himself even more from Taehyung.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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