Chapter Eight

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The conversation that Seokjin had with Taehyung about BDSM went on for much longer than he had anticipated. Seokjin was interestingly surprised by everything he had learned. Simply based on what Taehyung had shared with him, he realized that he would greatly benefit from reading the agreement which he had signed, as it appeared there was a lot more in it than he could have anticipated there would be in it. He also concluded that he understood very little about the BDSM way of life compared to what Taehyung did, which did not surprise him, given that Taehyung had far more experience than he did.

"What are your thoughts on what we have discussed?" While maintaining eye contact, Taehyung had his hand on Jin's thigh.

"I believe there will be a lot to learn since this is new to me, but I am good with it."

"If you entrust me to guide you, you will be fine. Now, we must create a safe word. As I indicated earlier, there may be moments when I exceed your comfort level, and if I do, I need you to express that to me using a safe word of your choice. We may use the Red, Yellow, and Green color scheme. The color red indicates you want me to stop. Yellow indicates that I am approaching your limit. Green, you are good. Having a color scheme approach helps me check in throughout our sessions, which is helpful. However, you may select a safe word that has meaning for you; I'm alright with anything you're comfortable with."

Jin bit down on his lip as he attempted to concentrate; the color scheme sounded simple enough to recall, but he also wanted to consider it, so he asked, "may I think about it?"

"Since I do not intend for us to engage in much activity tonight, I will allow you to decide until our next scheduled meeting. Please stop biting your lip in my presence, especially while I am attempting to have a discussion with you." Taehyung said as he squeezed Jin's thigh.

Jin moved around somewhat on the bed but could not make significant movement since Taehyung had a solid grasp on his thigh. "Okay."

"I will present you with a questionnaire that must be completed before our next encounter. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I will make certain that it is completed." Jin retorted while making a conscious effort to conceal that the shift in Taehyung's tone had made him nervous.

Taehyung released Jin's thigh and said, "I want you to stand, remove the robe, proceed to the middle of the room, assume a downward dog position, and keep your eyes closed. You will not move unless I give you permission."

Jin did as he was ordered without hesitation, unsure of what was about to happen to him, and as he took the position, luckily, he was acquainted with the downward dog pose from a few yoga sessions with Jimin. As he anticipated whatever was to follow, he felt a little self-conscious about being naked and exposed in the center of Taehyung's room.

He was aware of the sound of footsteps approaching from behind him, and he had a strong desire to open his eyes and look, but Taehyung had made him too nervous about doing so.

"I will need your support in counting," Taehyung said while standing behind Jin.

Jin's mind was racing with thoughts as he gave his response: "okay."

"Count!" said Taehyung as he lifted his hand and brought the belt forward, striking Jin on the bottom.

Jin's eyelids blew open, and a cry escaped his lips.

"Start counting, Seokjin." Taehyung demands.

"One." Jin emits a little whimper.

Raising the belt, Taehyung repeated his actions, hitting Jin with more force than before.

"Two!" Jin wept, tears streaming from his eyes.

When a third blow landed on his behind, he could not maintain his balance and fell to the ground while saying "three."

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