Chapter 8

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Tiffany hugged Taeyeon tightly and rubbed her back softly. Irene has told her everything.

At first, Tiffany didn't believe it. But when Irene said that she met him face to face, Tiffany slowly trust her.

She really wants to meet the person that look alike Byun Baekhyun.

Irene just crossed her arms and stared at them. She then look down. Feeling guilty at the same time.

"Fany-ah..I want him. Please.." Taeyeon still crying.

Tiffany feel hurt when she saw her best friend's condition. She comforted her by patting her head gently.

"Taeyeon-ah, we all knows that he's gone. He has passed away. The guy just look like Baekhyun and their name are the same. But he's a different person. Please understand, Taeyeon. Please don't be like this.. Poor Irene." Tiffany said softly.


Taeyeon stopped and let her tears out. She's crying so badly. Irene can't hold it anymore. She was crying too.

"I'm sorry, unnie. This is all my fault. I wasn't supposed to bring you here. You are living your life so good for two years. Slowly, you can start a new life and move on. But when I bring you here, I destroyed it. I make you meet him again..and now you're sick again. This is all because of me. I'm sorry." Irene said while crying.

Taeyeon and Tiffany look at her. Tiffany slowly let Taeyeon go and hug Irene. Irene hug her back when Tiffany pat her head.

"It's not your fault, Irene-ah. No one's fault here. This is all God's arrange. We can't blame anyone and don't blame yourself. Irene, don't blame yourself because this is not your fault." Tiffany said. Then she look at Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon, stop crying like this before you get sick back. Poor Irene, please. I know you miss him and love him so much. But he's gone already. Please move on. The guy is not the same Byun Baekhyun, your boyfriend. He's a different person."

Taeyeon look down while holding her tears again. She knows that. But she always feel that he is the Byun Baekhyun that she knows?

His eyes, his stare..everything are all the same. She's confused.

Irene slowly let go of Tiffany and went closer to Taeyeon. She hold her hand and stared into her eyes.

"Unnie, I don't want you to get sick again. Please.." Irene begged at her.

Taeyeon can't promise anything. She still in shock and slowly, the moment where Baekhyun got into an accident flashed in her memory.

Irene still staring at her sister. Tiffany just shut her mouth.

"I need some time, Irene-ah. Sorry for making you worried about me." Taeyeon mumbled.

Irene shook her head. "It's okay, unnie."

Tiffany sighed secretly and smiled weakly.

"Irene, I will sleep here tonight. Can I?" she ask.

"Sure, unnie. Let me show your room. Taeyeon unnie, rest okay?" Irene smiled as she wiped her tears.

Taeyeon nodded. Irene kissed her forehead before she and Tiffany went out from her room.

Tiffany closed the door.

Tears slowly fall down on Taeyeon's cheeks again. She can't stop crying and think about him.

It's hard to forget. Can you forget someone that you loved so much when he's already gone, and now you met someone else that look like him?

Taeyeon is feeling so weak. She lost her energy already. Finally, she lay down on her back and crying again.

She didn't want to make Irene and Tiffany worried about her. But she can't hold her feelings.


Baekhyun sipped his coffee while hearing his future fiance, Jisoo talking about their engagement party.

He just smiled slightly.

"Oppa, I can't wait to get engaged with you. And I will be the happiest person ever." Jisoo said and giggled.

Baekhyun chuckled. "Yeah, Jisoo-ah. Whatever. We will get engaged next month. Don't worry." he replied.

Jisoo smiled. She then rested her chin up and look at him. 

"Did you find the one who will replace Naeun?" she suddenly ask.

Baekhyun shook his head.

"Not yet."

"But I heard that there's one girl come for an interview. You rejected her?" Jisoo ask again.

Baekhyun chuckled and nod. He then shrugged his shoulders. Should he tell her about what happen?

Jisoo raised one of her eyebrow. She knows that Baekhyun want to tell something.

"I rejected her because she suddenly claimed that I'm hers."


Jisoo accidently shouted and her eyes widened open. Baekhyun look around them and saw some customers stared at them.

He glared at Jisoo as a warning. Jisoo giggled before she look at the others and bow her head while saying sorry.

Then she look at Baekhyun back.

"Who are her?! How dare she claimed that you are hers? Excuse me, you're mine!" Jisoo protested.

Baekhyun smiled a little. "I think she just lost her boyfriend that have a same name and face like me." he said.

Jisoo's jaw dropped a little. She accidently stuttered. "H-huh?"

"Yeah, her sister tell me that she lost her boyfriend in an accident two years ago. Her boyfriend's name was Byun Baekhyun. Same as me. And his face also look like me. That's why she crying when she saw me at my office." Baekhyun explained.

Jisoo covered her mouth. She sigh. "Poor her. I hope she is okay. It's normal when we lost our beloved people." she mumbled.

Suddenly feeling poor at Taeyeon.

"Then how? Aren't you searching for Naeun's replace?" she ask again.

Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders. Jisoo suddenly clapped her hands once. Baekhyun look at her weirdly.


"What take the girl become your personal assistant? The one who lost her boyfriend!"

Baekhyun choked his drink. He widened his eyes. "What the hell?!"

Jisoo smirked and stared at Baekhyun.

"Trust me, oppa. She's the only and one candidate that can replace Naeun. I don't know why..but I feel like she's very good at her work." Jisoo said.

"And then she will always making drama with me. Do you want our relationship broke because of her?" Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

Jisoo sighed. "Just follow me!"

"But why?"

"Because I'm your girlfriend."


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