Chapter 12

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Taeyeon take a deep breath before she stepped into the rich and big building. Today was her first day working here.

She smiled at Krystal before get into the lift. Krystal smile back and continued her work.

Taeyeon feeling nervous with no reason. Maybe because this was her first time working here. Or maybe..because she will meet Byun Baekhyun.

Damn..don't think about that, Taeyeon! He is your boss now. And he is not your dead boyfriend.

Her heart say. Taeyeon sigh as the lift opened. She stepped out and saw all the workers smiled at her.

She smiled awkwardly at them and bow. She went to her room, which is used by Naeun before.

She sat slowly on the chair and put her handbag at the desk. She smile again. It's comfortable here.

Suddenly, Baekhyun called her through the intercom. Taeyeon quickly stand up and went to Baekhyun's room.

She calmed herself down before knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The cold voice make Taeyeon feeling more nervous. Taeyeon let out a deep breath before she went into the room.

She saw Baekhyun who was busy typing on his phone. Like he was chatting with someone. Then he put his phone down and raised his head up to look at her.

Their eyes met, but Taeyeon look away. She tell her mind to not remembered her late boyfriend and she tell her heart to stop beating faster.

"First day, huh?" he suddenly spoke.

Taeyeon just stay silent.

Of course first day. Did you see my face here before?

Baekhyun stand up from his sit and slowly walked closer to Taeyeon. Damn it. Taeyeon become more nervous when Baekhyun is going closer to her right now.

But she stay cool and still looking away.

"So what should I do on my first day?" Great. Taeyeon didn't stuttering and she thanked god.

"Hm.." Baekhyun hummed while stopping in front of her.

Taeyeon accidently look at him and their eyes met. They have an eye contacts for almost one minute before Taeyeon break it.

She look away from him.

Shit! How can I forgot the beautiful brown eyes?

Alone with Baekhyun in this room make Taeyeon slowly remembered about her memories with her late boyfriend.

Baekhyun was so close to her and Taeyeon decided to step back a little. Baekhyun noticed it and he smirk.

"Why did you step back? I thought you won't." he said.

Taeyeon cleared her throat. "Didn't you told me to keep our distance?" she mumbled.

Baekhyun chuckled. "Okay. You don't need to anything yet for today. If I need anything, I will call you. Now get out." he replied and turned before walked to his seat back.


Taeyeon was about to go, but Baekhyun stopped her.

"You have to follow me after lunch. We have to meet our client."

Taeyeon nodded and bow a little before she went out from the room. Baekhyun just stared at her figure.

Until the figure gone. He then sigh and rub his face.

"Am I too harsh and cold?"


After lunch, Taeyeon followed Baekhyun to meet their client. They will go by Baekhyun's car.

Taeyeon didn't had her lunch because she didn't feel hungry. At the same time, her mental was not in very good condition yet but she pretended to be okay.

Her mental is still weak to be honest. But today was her first day working here.

"Get in." Baekhyun said and Taeyeon obeyed him.

They get into his car and Baekhyun started the engine. He then drove away went to their destination, Park Company.

Silence between them. Taeyeon nor Baekhyun didn't say anything. Baekhyun was focus on driving while Taeyeon stared outside the window.

After ten minutes, they have arrived to the company.

Both of them got out from the car and went into the building. They were greeted by Chanyeol and his personal assistant, Rachel.

Yes, it was Chanyeol's company. Taeyeon smiled a little to them.

"This is your new personal assistant?" Chanyeol asked Baekhyun.

Baekhyun just nod. "She is Kim Taeyeon." Chanyeol widened his eyes and look at Taeyeon who flashed a smile at him.

He smiled back. So this is the girl who Baekhyun told him yesterday.

"I'm Park Chanyeol and this is Rachel."

Taeyeon bowed at him and Rachel. Then they sat together and started their meeting.

Everything was okay but suddenly Taeyeon excused herself to go to the toilet. Chanyeol ask Rachel to lead Taeyeon to the toilet and Rachel agreed.

They went to the toilet together.

"Are you okay, Taeyeon-ssi? You look pale." Rachel said while frowning. Worried a little.

They were in the toilet. Taeyeon nodded and smile. "I'm fine." she said and at the same time, she feels like she want to vomit.

"Have you had your lunch?" Rachel suddenly ask.

"Um..yes." Taeyeon lied and faked her smile. She then quickly changed the topic and pulled Rachel out from the toilet.

"Our boss will get angry if we are here too long." Taeyeon made up and excuses.

Rachel agreed and they went back to the meeting room. Rachel sat beside Chanyeol while Taeyeon sat beside Baekhyun.

After about one hour meeting, Chanyeol stopped and make a decision. They ended the meeting.

"Thanks bro." Chanyeol said and he with Baekhyun shake hands together.

Baekhyun smiled. "Welcome." Chanyeol and Rachel then smiled and bow. Taeyeon and Baekhyun bow back before they went out.

"You go first. I have to meet Chanyeol." Baekhyun said and Taeyeon nod. She went to the lift first.

She waited for Baekhyun for five minutes at the car parking. Then, she saw Baekhyun's figure.

Baekhyun come and both of them get into the car. Baekhyun drive away from the building area.

Silence again.

But the Taeyeon feel weird when Baekhyun drive passed his company. She look at Baekhyun.

"Baek- I mean passed t-"

"I know. Now shut up." Baekhyun cut her words coldly.

Taeyeon frowned but she obeyed him. She shut her mouth.

Baekhyun stopped in front of one restaurant which made Taeyeon become more confuse.

"You didn't had your lunch?" she ask him but Baekhyun ignored her.

He went out from the car and went to the other side. He opened the door and gently pulled Taeyeon out from the car.

Taeyeon was confuse but she followed him.

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