Chapter 11

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"Why did you go there, unnie?" Irene ask while looking at Taeyeon when the three of them having dinner together that night.

Tiffany stopped eating, also looking at Taeyeon. Taeyeon put her fork down.

"I got accepted to work there."


Ningning and Winter who were cleaning the cabinet, shocked until Ningning accidently throw the towel that used to clean the cabinet.

Winter just shook her head and slowly slapped Ningning's head. Irene and Tiffany still in shock, their eyes widened.

"Taeyeon! Why did you work there?!" Tiffany protested. She stared at Taeyeon with her 'done' face.

Taeyeon just shrugged her shoulders. Tiffany squeaked while Irene sighed.

"Unnie, I know what do you mean. You want to work there because you want to get closer to Baekhyun, right?"

Seeing Taeyeon didn't respond to her, make Irene sigh for the second time. She shook her head in disappointment.

"Unnie.. This is wrong. He's totally a different Byun Baekhyun! He's not your dead boyfriend!"


Tiffany cut Irene off because Irene raised her voice at Taeyeon and spoke harshly.

Taeyeon just stay calm. She just eating like usually. Irene rubbed her face and look away.

"Irene was right. He is not Byun Baekhyun, your boyfriend. Your boyfriend has died two years ago. Please, Taeyeon. Move on. He is just a different person. Just his name and his face are the same with your boyfriend. But he is not him. What do you want to do? Make him fall in love with you? But, you will hurt him because you love your boyfriend and not him. You just use him because you miss your Baekhyun. Think properly before doing something."

Long speech from Tiffany. Ningning and Winter slowly went to the kitchen's back. Leaving them because it was their problems.

Taeyeon sipped her coffee. She then look at her best friend and sister.

"Then tell me how to forget people you loved that has died and now there's another person who look like him and share the same name with him."

Taeyeon said coldly before she stood up and went away.

Irene and Tiffany can't say anything. Yeah, maybe they didn't feel what Taeyeon feel. But they understand her.

They just want Taeyeon to realized that working in the same company with Baekhyun is not a good decision.

Taeyeon walked out from the house and went to the park in the house area. She sat on the chair.

Slowly, tears coming out from her eyes and falling down on her cheeks.

"Taeyeon, why are you crying?"

Taeyeon raised her head and saw Heechul standing beside her. Taeyeon wiped her tears and smile.

"Heechul oppa, sit down please." she said.

Heechul obeyed her and sat beside her. Taeyeon sighed before she tell him. That night, she need someone to share her problem with.

And maybe, Heechul is the someone that she need.

"I don't understand why...why Tiffany and Irene didn't allowed me to work there. I just..want to work too." Taeyeon spoke.

"Are you sure you just want to do something? Not because of that Baekhyun?"

Trap question.

Taeyeon licked her lower lip and slowly nod. "It's because of him too. I feel so lonely when Baekhyun leave me. He always cheered me up and always shining my life. But after he died, I feel lonely and alone. I miss him so much. Now, I met another person who looks like him and have the same name with him. I-I.. He reminded me of him." Taeyeon let her tears fall down.

Heechul just hear her out. Letting her tell what she feels. What is in her heart.

"Yes, maybe I've gone crazy. But he really looks like him. I can't. I want to stay close with him. I'm lonely for two years. And now I met him again.. I will never let him go, oppa." Taeyeon look at Heechul.

Even just know each other, Taeyeon suddenly feel comfortable with Heechul. Maybe because Heechul is older than her, she thought that he is like a older brother to her.

Heechul let out a sigh before facing Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon, it's not wrong missing the people who has gone. You love him, then he leave you and of course you miss him. But, life must go on, right?"

Taeyeon slowly nod when Heechul asked her.

"That's why you have to move on. Your late boyfriend was your past already. I know it's hard but I know you can. We all knows that you can do this. You have to continued your life. Don't be sad and depress again. Poor your sister and your best friend. They were always worried about you. About this new Byun must accept the fact that he is not the Byun Baekhyun that you know. He is another Byun Baekhyun. Not your late boyfriend. Understand? Maybe their name and face are same, but maybe they have a different side. Soon, you will see the different between them. Then, you will believe that he is not your Baekhyun. You must accept the fact, Taeyeon. You can work there, but not because of him. You have to move on, forget the past but I didn't tell you to forget him okay. Continued living your life, must be someone better waiting for you. God have arranged everything. Don't worry."

Heechul take a deep breath after giving a long advices to Taeyeon. Must be tired right?

Taeyeon stay silent and then she nod. He's right. Tiffany's right. Irene's right. They were right.

She must move on. He's not the same Byun Baekhyun. He's another person who didn't know her.

"Okay. Thanks, oppa." Taeyeon look at him and smile.

Heechul chuckled and nodded. "Welcome. Remember my advices. It's good." he joked and successfully made Taeyeon laugh.

Even a little. Taeyeon look straight to the front.

"What if I can't forget him?" she suddenly ask.

Heechul smile. "You can." he replied. 

Taeyeon smile again and nod. "Alright. I will go in now. Oppa have to go sleep too, okay?" she said like a little sister.

"Of course. Good night."

"Night too."

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