Chapter 14

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Taeyeon closed the file before let out a deep sigh. She was tired a little. Then, she just remembered that she didn't take her breakfast this morning.

But she has used for it. Didn't eat for the whole day. Even she feel dizzy and weak a little but she still pretend to be okay.

She then glanced at her watch. Five minutes left before lunch time.

Taeyeon decided to continued her work. She focused back on her work and started it.

Knock! Knock!

Taeyeon raised her head and frowned. She cleared her throat before said, "Come in."

The door was opened and Baekhyun went into her room before he close back the door. Taeyeon stood up.

"Ah, boss.. Anything that you want me to do?" she ask.

Baekhyun shook his head. Taeyeon noticed that he's grabbing one paper bag and she wondered what is inside.

"You didn't go and have your lunch?" he suddenly asked make Taeyeon stuttered a little.

Can she lied to him? But he will know it. Taeyeon stay silent, thinking about what she have to reply to him.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. He knew the answer.

Without waiting for her answer, he pulled her hand and both of them went to the sofa.


He said and Taeyeon obeyed him. She sat on the sofa then Baekhyun sat beside her. He take out something from the paper bag.

Taeyeon blinked when she noticed there were two lunch boxes.

"I know that you didn't have your breakfast this morning. I bought it. Now eat." he said and look at Taeyeon.

"H-huh?" she froze.

"I said eat now." Baekhyun said again.

Seeing Taeyeon didn't move make Baekhyun take one of the lunch box and opened it.

He then take the spoon. Taeyeon just stared at him and she was shocked a little when Baekhyun was about to feed her.

"W-what are y-you doing?" she accidently stuttered.

"If you don't want to eat, then I will feed you. Let everyone see us." he threatened her.

Taeyeon bite her lower lip. "Fine! Give me the spoon." she gave up and take the spoon from him.

Baekhyun smirked and give it to her. They started to eat in silence. Plus, the office become empty because the others has went out.

"Be honest with me. Are you always skipped your lunch or dinners or breakfasts or whatever?" Baekhyun asked.

Taeyeon stopped munching her foods and look at him.

His stare..

Taeyeon quickly look away. Forget about that, Kim Taeyeon. She cleared her throat and slowly humming.

"Always. I don't know why but I don't feel like I want to eat. Yeah, lately I always skipped my meals. Lunch, dinner or breakfast." she finally admit it.

"And why did you do that?"

Taeyeon noticed that his voice sounds cold a little. He seems mad. But why?


Taeyeon can't continued her words. She suddenly feel scared at him. Especially when his face was red a little.

She can tell that he was mad.

"You know that will make you sick? You will get sick if you always skipping your lunches  and dinners." Baekhyun put his lunch box on the desk and started to complained.

Taeyeon still shut her mouth.

"And when you sick, you will make everyone worried about you. Irene, Tiffany.. And more."

"But you don't."

Taeyeon mumbled. She thought that Baekhyun didn't heard it but actually, he heard it.

Silence again. Taeyeon slowly look at him and caught him staring at her.

"Why should I care about you?" he suddenly ask make Taeyeon silent again.

He really didn't care about me.

Taeyeon faked a smile but it seems a weak smile.

"Then stop acting like you care. You're the one who told me to keep our distance. And I'm trying to do it. Stop it please." she said, lowering her voice.

Suddenly she feel tired and didn't have some energy to speak.

Then she continued, "Your actions reminded me of him. Please, stop it." her voice was shaking.

And she tried to hold her tears from falling down on her cheeks. Taeyeon quickly stood and went out from her room.

Leaving Baekhyun alone there.

She went straight to the toilet and locked herself inside the toilet.

Finally, she cried.

His actions really reminded her of him. She suddenly miss him. Very much.


Mrs.Kim rolled her eyes while Hana blow up her nails. She then look at her daughter Hana.

"What should we do now?" Mrs.Kim grunted.

Hana sighed and stared at her mother. "Mom, there's another way. Chill, okay?" she said and crossed her arms.

Mrs.Kim smirked.

"Chill? Then tell me what's your plan, my dear Hana." she rolled her eyes in annoyed.

"Mom, can't we just go to Incheon and went to Irene and Taeyeon's unnie house? Then we can told them what we want." Hana replied.

Mrs.Kim shut her mouth, thinking about what her daughter said. Hana raised one of her eyebrow at her mother.

"Great. I'm very sure that they will give us some money." she smirked again.

Hana smiled in victory. "Of course they will."

Both of them went upstairs quickly and packed their clothes into their luggages. They will go to Incheon right now.

They have no shame. Mrs.Kim and Hana hates Irene and Taeyeon but yet, they still asking for some money from them.

Such a gold diggers.

After done packing, they get into the car and Mrs.Kim started the engine. Then, she drove away from her house area.

They will go to Incheon to meet Irene and Taeyeon.

"I'm so glad that Baekhyun has died." Mrs.Kim suddenly said.

Hana glanced at her mother and smirked.

"Yeah, mom. I'm glad too. He rejected me and choose Taeyeon unnie more than me. The heck tho. I'm more beautiful than her." Hana rolled her eyes in disgusting.

"Yeah, my daughter is so pretty just like me."

Both of them bursted into laugh.

"Honestly I love watching Taeyeon suffered." Hana added. Mrs.Kim smiled and nod. "Me too, dear."

Hana giggled and throw her look away. She smirked again.

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