Chapter Five: I Don't Want Your Fucking Candy!

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Five Days Later:

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Five Days Later:


I was awakened by the sound of my bedroom door creaking open. The figure came into the light and comfort surrounded me.

"Happy Birthday, little girl," my mother whispered, kissing me on the head.

"Hey," I smiled taking in her floral perfume.

I moved over and my mother climbed into bed with me. Her feet stuck out a bit from the bottom of the bed since my bed was smaller than a regular sized bed.

"I can't believe how fast you're growing up," she whispered.

"Really? Feels slow."

"No. Trust me, it's fast," she muttered, nudging her nose against my cheek.

I smiled against her.

"What do you think of life so far?" She asked.

Her hands glided up my neck softly as she played with my curls.

"I think it's pretty good."

"Any complaints?"

"I'd like the whole humidity thing to go away," I giggled.

"Mmm. Alright. I'll get right on that," my mother smiled.

I looked up at her, her features glowed under the moonlight. She had such a beautiful side profile. It was hard to find someone with a naturally good side profile.

"So, do I look older?"

"Oh yeah. You walk into a Denny's before five and you got yourself a discount."

"Good deal," I hummed.

"So, you know what I think?" she said, pulling me closer.

"What?" I asked.

"I think you're a great, cool kid and the best daughter a mother could have."

"Thanks mom," I beamed.

"Happy tenth birthday baby," she kissed my forehead as we both fell back asleep together.


Barnes and I hadn't really spoken since our last conversation five days ago but I didn't mind much. He had spent most of those five days locked up in his room. The only time he'd come out was if he had team meeting or training of any kind.

Each night I would hear the door open faintly and the sounds of him and a new girl he was fucking. It was a new one every night. She never stayed the night though, or at least I never heard her leave in the mornings. He soundproofed his room after he was done. The only reason I knew this was because it had a specific ding that would sound when he would turn it off and on.

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