Chapter Sixteen: I Have A Thing For Dark Haired, Blue-Eyed, Morally Gray Men

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A/N: Smut and wholesome moments

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A/N: Smut and wholesome moments. You're welcome 😂


One Hour Later:

Everyone had left. Sam and I had walked over to the spacious couch to have our movie night. He had agreed on watching How Harry Met Sally. He also mentioned that he had never watched it and I swear my soul died a little to hear that.

The scene with Harry and Sally at the diner came up on the screen.

"Do they end up together?" he asked, staring at the TV.

I chuckled softly.

Some people liked knowing that stories had happy endings before the end of a book or movie. So that they could relax or prepare themselves for a sad ending if it were to come.

I was the opposite. I loved the adrenaline of not knowing. The unknown. It excited me. Maybe that's why I ended up where I did in my career. The CIA was full of the unknown. You didn't know what was going to happen. Every day was a new situation. Bad and good. Tragic and happy.

"What's the fun in me telling you that?" I smirked.

He breathed out in frustration. He had been asking questions throughout the film, trying to guess the outcome.

He was right most of the time, but most of that was just that the film was made out to be pretty predictable and fun.

The moaning part of the diner scene started, and Sam shifted in his seat, glancing over at me.

I simply smiled, leaning back more into the couch, and placing a blanket over the both of us. It was chilly in the room.

"I could never just outwardly moan like that in a busy diner. That's crazy."

I laughed, hitting his arm.

"It's not that hard. You just have to not give a fuck about what other people think."

He looked at me. "So, you would, do it?"

"If it was a dare and I got paid, maybe."

It would be embarrassing, sure, but I doubt I'd ever see those people again anyways.

"So do it."

My eyes widened at his statement.


"Right now. Do it. Or are you scared?" he taunted.

I narrowed my gaze. "I'm not scared."

He stood still, the movie kept on playing as he waited for me to continue.

"Jesus. Fine."

I closed my eyes, parting my lips, and tilting my head back slightly to make it sound and look more realistic.

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