Chapter Eight: At Least Buy Me Dinner First Wilson

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It had been a couple days since my last encounter with Barnes. He had his play date with Morgan, but I didn't go even though Barnes had asked about me. The only reason I knew was because Morgan had snitched on him.

I decided to avoid him like the plague. It was my first day as Morgan's nanny. Pepper had handed me her weekly schedule. It wasn't complicated. In fact, I would have a lot of free time while she was at pre-school. I had brought her to school in one of Tony's many cars at eight in the morning and decided to just walk around the city.

"Hey pretty lady," I heard from behind me.

I turned to see a random man stalking around from behind me.

"Not interested," I mumbled, the New Yorker in me starting to take over.

I heard snarl from behind and the sound of his steps getting closer and louder.

"What? They didn't teach you manners growing up?"

I ignored him. He really didn't like that.

"Maybe we should go see how Stark's kid is doing huh. Maybe get her picked up for a play date," he sneered.

My shoulders tensed. How the hell had he known about Morgan?

I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"What do you want," I gritted.

He smirked, obviously finally getting the reaction he wanted.

"Nothing ... not you. Stark. But Morgan might be leverage to get what we want."

I scowled. No one was touching Morgan.

"You leave Morgan out of this."

He gave a malicious smile. His teeth were yellow, signs of a smoker. The sides of his eyes creased into crow's feet. He wore all black, trying to hide any familiar remarks that could let him be known to who he was.

"No. No, I don't think we will."

My scowl stayed but inside my stomach churned. He turned around, and I ran after him, but he had already disappeared into the crowd of people in the streets.

I only had one thought in my mind. I had to get Morgan from school and take her home. Now.


An Hour Later: The Stark Tower

I walked out the elevator doors with Morgan on my hip. She had asked me to carry her. I stood in front of Tony's office and knocked. There was shuffling and then the door opened.

"Hey Mel, what can I do for you?"

I pressed my lips together into a tight line and glanced at Morgan for a moment. She was giggling in my arms while I bounced her on my hip.

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