Chapter Eleven: Who Said I Trusted You?

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A/N: This chapter in particular has a lot of back and forth povs between Mel and Bucky

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A/N: This chapter in particular has a lot of back and forth povs between Mel and Bucky. Enjoy!


A Week Later:

He had been avoiding me all week. Well, as much as he could, considering he's still my 'bodyguard', per Tony's request. He only talked to me in one-word answers or grunted at me.

It made me think of how Nat described him before I arrived. Distant and cold. He had mostly been cold, but he usually wasn't this distant with me. He hadn't barged into my room unannounced the whole week. Was it bad that I missed that? It was like a little habit I had gotten used to. God I'm going insane. This couldn't be normal.

I was getting ready to go get Morgan for school when F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke up.

"Miss Lovett?"

I turned towards the voice.


"Mr. Stark wanted to let you know that your services will not be needed today. Miss Morgan will be taken to school and be in the care of Happy today."

"Okay," I shrugged.

"He would also like to add that today will count as a paid day off. You can do whatever you like."

I smiled.

"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y. And tell Tony I said thank you as well."

"You're welcome, Miss Lovett."

The A.I. beeped and then turned off.

I had the entire day to myself. Well almost to myself. I still had Barnes on my tail wherever I went unless I was in my room. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my day. Maybe go out to the city and walk around or stay inside and hang out with Sam or Nat.

I walked into the training room to see Nat and Sam fighting on the mats. They were really going at it, but it honestly seemed like a lot of fun.

Nat ended up spinning Sam around and throwing her leg into his stomach which sent him flying into the wall.

"And time! I win," she chuckled, stretching out her muscles.

I slowly walked into the room, making my presence known.

"Melly! Thought you'd be with Morgan right now," Sam asked.

I smiled and waved at Nat. She waved back.

"Tony gave me the day off. Happy's looking after her today."

Nat raised an eyebrow.

"Any reason as to why?"

I shrugged.

"No idea."

She hummed and went to grab water. It did seem strange to get the day off randomly. With pay. I had only been working for then for a couple weeks. Maybe I was just over thinking it.

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