Chapter Seventeen: They Aren't Zoo Animals And You Know Nothing About Them

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A/N: One of my favorite chapters

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A/N: One of my favorite chapters. We got Bucky being domestic and a teddy bear.

P.S. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL! I love and appreciate each and every one of you ❤️


Five Days Later:

"Come on Morgan, if you don't hurry, you'll be late to school," I said, hurriedly trying to find her backpack.

She giggled pulling her shoes on.

"Can you tie them?"

I shook my head looking down at her as she swayed back and forth on her feet.

"Baby, you know how to tie them," I laughed.

She outstretched her arms for me to pick her up. I furrowed my brows and shook my finger 'no'.

"If you tie your shoes, then I'll pick you up. How about that?"

She pouted but quickly bent down to loop her laces together. After she was completely ready, we scurried to the company car and drove to her school. Thankfully, we made it two minutes before she was considered late.

"Okay baby, have fun, okay? I'll come to pick you up later."

She nodded fast as I handed her over to one of her teachers.

I walked back out of the building and into my car. I connected my phone to the Apple CarPlay to put on my tunes.

Halfway through the ride back to the tower, Bucky's caller name popped up on the screen. He was supposed to come back today but I hadn't heard about an arrival time yet.

"Hey Bucky," I spoke out to the car.

There was a lot of noise in the background along with what I assumed was Sam yelling at Bucky.

"Shut up for a second! I'm making a call!" he yelled away from the phone.

More muffled yelling along with laughing from kids.

"None of your damn business," Bucky mumbled.

"Bucky?" I asked, half laughing at this point.

"Hey sweetheart," he finally said clearly into the phone.

The way he called me sweetheart made me feel like I was on top of the world.

"What's up? Given all the yelling and the sound of water in the background, I'm guessing you're still in Louisiana?"

He sighed disappointedly. He'd been fighting with Sam on leaving earlier but Sam had insisted that there was too much work to be done.

"Yeah. It's gonna be a couple more days. Some of the shit Sam ordered got delayed so we have to wait for it to arrive so we can finally finish this damn boat."

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