Chapter Four: Someone Should Put A Fucking Bell On You

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The Next Day:

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The Next Day:

I woke up to an excruciating headache. It felt like a hammer was banging against my head repeatedly.

Groaning, I got out of bed and headed to my closet. I picked out a dark blue hoodie, some black leggings, and white sneakers. I wasn't in the mood to wear anything fancy enough and I wasn't technically working yet either. I just wanted to be comfortable and avoid as many people as possible today.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen on our floor. There was no one around. I opened the fridge to see plum's tauntingly staring back at me. I knew Barnes would kill me if I took any. He made it clear that they were his plums. But there was something about not being able to have something that makes it all the more desirable.

I shook my head. I would take one at another time. I was already on thin ice with Barnes. I had only been here for a couple days, and I didn't want to get fired just because Barnes decided to throw a hissy fit over a plum.

So, I grabbed a banana instead. I walked to the kitchen island and sat down, peeling the banana peel back.

As I put it in my mouth, my teeth grazed the yellow fruit. I moaned out loud at the initial taste. I loved bananas. Especially when they were just the amount of ripe I wanted them to be.

Someone cleared their throat. I hadn't even taken a bite yet when I turned to see Barnes giving me a smug look from the corner of the kitchen. My mouth fell around the banana and into a frown. I was hoping to avoid him as much as possible since our fight yesterday. Guess fate had other plans.

"What a pretty sight," he chuckled, looking me up and down.

I bit into the banana and ate the piece.

"Someone should put a fucking bell on you," I grumbled.

"Oof. What an unprofessional way to speak to your superiors, Miss Love," he frowned mockingly.

I rolled my eyes, taking a smaller bit of the banana this time. He didn't need any more ammo in his stupid jokes.

"Yeah, because you alluding to me sucking dick while I eat a banana is such a professional way to speak to me. Get a life, geezer."

"Geezer? Ouch. Right where it hurts, Little Olive," he held his chest.

"Don't you have something better to do with your life than annoy the living shit out of me?"


I groaned out in frustration. He walked closer to me, leaning on the kitchen island.

"Why are you wearing that?" he motioned over to my hoodie and leggings.

I glanced down at my outfit then back up at him. Some nerve this man had considering he usually wore clothes you'd see at a bar.

"What are you? The fashion police?"

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