Chapter Eighteen: Careful, People Might Think You Actually Have A Heart, Tin Man

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Enjoy this week's chapter

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Enjoy this week's chapter. There's smut 😉


The Next Day:

I was sitting on couch in the common floor, reading Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas, when a shadow approached, blocking my reading light. I looked up and met eyes with Bruce Banner.

"Hey, Melanie, I was wondering if you could help me with something," Bruce asked.

Marking the place in my book, I placed it on the couch.

"Yeah, sure. What do you need?"

He had a pen placed behind his ear and a clipboard in his hand.

"You're relatively fit. You train, exercise semi-regularly, don't have any underlying super powers, right?"

Amusement filled my eyes at the mention of having secret powers.

"No, I don't have any powers and yes I am relatively fit. Why?"

He smiled, looking down at his chart.

"How much do you weigh and how tall are you?"

I stood up in front of him. He was tall. Not as tall as Bucky, but enough to still make me look small next to him.

"I'm five foot one and I weigh one hundred and twenty-two pounds approximately. It fluctuates when I eat," I joked.

He nodded, writing down the information I was giving him. I was curious to know what he was taking my measurements for. I wasn't an Avenger or an agent.

"Can I know why you need this information?"

He looked up from his clip board.

"Do you mind if I take a couple blood samples? I just was to compare some data I have to an above averagely, fit person."

Huh. At least I wasn't average. That was good to hear. It boosted my ego a bit.

"Yeah, sure. I have time right now. Unless you're busy now, then I can do it later after I pick up Morgan from school," I shrugged.

He tapped his pen to the clipboard, contemplating the options I had just given him.

"Now is fine. I have other things I have to do later anyways."

"Great! Lead the way Doc," I motioned for him to walk in front of me.

He gave me a funny look. Not in a bad way, just different to his usual stoic facial expressions.

We walked into the elevators and he pressed the number to the lab where he and Tony would work in projects related to the Avengers.

Bucky's POV

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