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Should I make a song for you guys? I don't know let's see if I can make some lyrics right now.

Asurey's Wattpad Song:
I'm just a teenage girl writing some lyrics
Having a good time with all these feelings
Hoping people follow and leave a some awesome comments
Telling viewers bout myself and some of my friends
Lovin life just because I can be a wattpadder 😂
Wow this is a new font... GO BACK FONT!
okay... Not a good song...

This is my story
I'm writing it down
So everybody can read it
Maybe I can be found
Getting views just because
Follow boos because I love
Trying to be the best
Just leave the rest
Can't take no test
Won't leave the nest
Just headin west
Okay...that's a little messed up...
Gotta act like a care
Trying to bare all these feelings
Trying to hide all the time
From the people who care
From the people who don't.
Yet everything just seems the same.

Okay, I'm done 😂 -laughs so hard-
I can't even write lyrics.

So yeah that was my lyrics. As you can tell I couldn't be an musician. Or lyrics person.

But I can rhyme HAHA XD


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