Mari and Me

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Hey guys!

I wanted to get in some really cheesy dedication and appreciations from some of my good friends...

So here we go guys!

I'm Asurey Zoel as you all know, you can call me Rey if you want to.

But today I want to talk about my very amazing friend Mari.

She has an account on here xSirensAreSingingx

So if you would like to add her go ahead...

If you don't...good for you!

This is us when we were in middle school just about a year ago. We were at out friend's birthday party and I gave her her own very belated birthday present, the earrings she is wearing.

It was funny right after she put them on someone complimented her about them.

But yeah. Back to whatever I was saying before.

We've been friends ever since maybe 2013 and have been even better friends ever since then.

We help each other out constantly and talk every now and then.

We have our occasion fights and spouts but after a while we sort it out.

She's been a great friend to me and she's always honest and truthful.

Both of us have our own mental problems I will admit, but when we are down we are always helping each other get back up.

There's nothing we wouldn't do for each other and honestly, it would have been horrible if I had never met this amazing girl.

She's my little Blue and I hope she's always that way.

Blue, I hope you read this and I hope you know that I really love you and hope we'll always be best friends.

Goodbye for now,

Asurey Zoel

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