Words for my best friend

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Hey guys, I'm here. Whoop.

But the point of this chapter is to reply to something mentioned to me by my best friend AngieRawermour.

Hey, I honestly didn't know you were feeling this way and I'm glad you @ me to talk about it. I didn't know I was doing anything wrong and I really wasn't trying to hurt you in anyway. I apologize for spending too much time with my bf and not enough time with you. It's not that I don't want to...he just kinda follows me like a lost puppy dog....

Anyways, back to what I was saying.

I've been worried about you this whole week and have gone to your class just about every day to see if you were there. Then I saw the vine you posted and realized that you were sick. I didn't text you because honestly using my phone or anything is a hassle. I'm like a grandma...I hate using my phone.

I'm not going to make excuses and say that I was right for ignoring you like you said.

I miss you and love you bunches! I hope you feel better!

I hope you know I love you because I really do, and I never meant to effect you the way I have. I know you're just playing around when you talk about him so you don't have to worry about that. Sometimes I get extremely confused because I feel like you'll become best friends with someone else and forget about me like our twelve years of friendship was nothing. That's why I bitch about some of the things I do. I know I'm extremely annoying when I do so again, I'm sorry. It's just that with you, it's more than a little title called "best friend". You've always been more than that. You've always been more of my family than anything.

On that note, I'm not going to say more on here because I might get into some personaaalll things that nobody wants to hear about. BTWZ I'm getting Snapchat and Instagram so if you wanna hit me up at 12:00 on November 1st. That'd be great. Just send me the deets -wink wink-.

#Iloveyou # AngieRawermour

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