Good Parts Of Guys

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Since I'm feeling a little emotional and a little sick (like I'm about to throw up. I'm gagging) I'm going to write some emotionally honest to goodness stuff.


Okay, males of this world, get ready, I'm about to make you look good.


They are amazing. Truly. They might be mentally disabled because they probably don't have half their brain (no offense males. You are really dense about us females feelings...) but they care. They really do.

I know people say most guys use girls for their body or whatever, but I don't think that's the case (always).

As I like to think, most guys go through hell and back. They don't know how to love due to the fact their fathers are either drunkards, whores, never home, left their mothers, or dead. All they have ever known is their mom. Moms, aren't usually tough on their boys because they are like their babies. They then think they can do anything because they have never had a male father figure in their life.

But truth is, some males do care. They may not seem like it but they do.

They have feelings just like females do. They cry. They rant about their girlfriends. They get irritated and they get frustrated.
And when a girl breaks up with them...that just turns their heart into stone. They feel like a nobody because someone they had feelings for, deep feelings for, dumped them.

And hey, they don't show it. Nope, they'll act like nothing ever happened between you guys. Act like they moved on to the next girl. But they do care. I believe it.

Whether tall or short. Big or small. Funny or sarcastic. Black or White. Yellow or Red. They care. They have feelings. They have a heart and a soul.

No, ladies, just because you have a period and have to have kids and all this shizz doesn't make you any better than males so back the eff up if you think you the shizz right now. Coming from a female, guys. I know the feelings. Hurts like hell but....


Thank you males from being in females life. Honestly, don't be dorks. Treat a girl right and don't always be like "Gimme that pussy." No. That's not how a girl wants to be won over, unless well...nah I'm pretty sure that's not how any girl wants to be wooed by.

Well, males, you knows where to find us females.

Hope you liked this!
Kisses and hugs~💋

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