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It is storming so hard right now... I am so scared.

Like I swear my house is going to fly up from the ground and end up in Florida.

Just kidding it's...........

OMG omg omg...

I just hope I'm not going to die today ;-;

Anyways on a good note...I ran like fifty billion miles today and my legs hurt like shi....take mushrooms!!!

And I can't feel them and I hope running a few miles makes my legs look better because they seriously look like sticks.

Sticks. Guys...sticks.

I don't want to have stick legs that are similar to the stick figures I draw because I can't draw anything else.

Guess I'm going to run in mud tomorrow..... Wooooo

I needa work out so I can get daaaa booottyyyy.

And abs. xSirensAreSingingx knows what I'm talking about.

I have to get a six pack by 2018

I need more time!

Lord knows I'll never have abs unless....I ya know play sports or something. Which I could do but...I have a feeling my father might say no if I asked him soooo.....

No abs unless I motivate myself! WHOOOOOOHOOOO

so is it storming where anyone else is? If it is tell me how to...live through this disastrous time!

Hasta luego, amigos!

(P.S. I don't know what it means either.)

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