Things I Love

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Yes, since I haven't really done any Q&A lately here it goes!

Things, I, Asurey Zoel, love:

I God

Yes! This might be surprising since I curse and do a whole ton of other ungodly like things, but if I didn't have God I'd be out on the streets stripping. There you go guys. You learn more about a chick everyday.

II Family (mostly my Mom (def my mom) my grandma, my uncles, my brothers, and my older sister)

Even though I complain about them a WHOLE SHIZZ TON OF THE TIME, I still love em.

III Friends

Yes, most of my friends annoy the effing piss out of me, but I effing love those mothereffers to death. If I didn't have all the friends I have today, for one I'd be antisocial as eff, for two, I wouldn't know wtf a friend was.

IV Erotic Books

Yeah...I'm that girl... The one that loves romance and love and shizz....
Judge all you want... But that's your time not mine.

V Uno

I have a genuine love for the Uno card game. In all honestly, I don't know why it's number five, but I'm thinking as I go.

VI Music (hip hop, r&b mostly but I can deal with other stuff too)

VII Clothes

I loovveee loovveee clothes! If I could buy all the freaking clothes I wanted, I so would because clothes are my life.

VIII Razors

You might be asking yourself, "Why does Asurey like razors?" Well because I can cut off annoying hair with them! Duh! I can also use the blades to stab some b!tches, but that's none of my business.

IX Pandas

Pandas are my fav animal if you didn't know! But I also love guinea pigs since I have three soooo... *Pandas and Guinea Pigs

X Sports

This so should have been like number four. I freaking love sports. If I could spend my whole week working out and playing with peeps I would do it. Basketball, volleyball, soccer, baseball, swimming, I'd do any of those in a split second even though I can't play most of them. And track. I'd do track too.

(P.S. But I'm lazy af)

XI iPod

My iPod and I have relationship problems, but for the most part, I love it. IT.
Why is our relationship love/hate?
Aren't all relationships that way at some point?
Well my iPod does a whole lotta junk for me but FIRST OF ALL, the dang thing doesn't have enough space for my selfies and you know what? I take a lot of dang selfies! I might not look good in most of them but still!

That's brings me to my next subject!

XII Selfies

Cameras on things are great and bad. I just love love love taking selfies.... I'm horrible I know.
The art of selfie-ing is really hard.
That's why half my photos are ratchet.

XIII Vines

Vines make my day. They might make me question life, but I love vines. Omg.

XIV Pokemon

As you may or may not have read beforehand, I love Pokemon. If I could be a Pokemon nerd, I would so do it.
Pokemon is effing bae.


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