Okay, so I'm still in Atlanta, I've been here for almost three weeks....
So yesterday and today I was at my dad's townhouse. We are currently cleaning it up so he can put it up for rent.
So it was... Eleven at night... Me and my sibs are just relaxing by now in one of the bedrooms. There is nothing in any of the rooms, just the floor, walls ya know all the basics.
So we are sitting there staring out the windows and we see literally a hundred people outside...
Like I'm not even kidding if I had a camera I would have taken a picture but I don't.
So we open the window and just listen in to what these dark skins and couple white peeps mixed in too, are saying.
So we listen.
And this is just the craziest shit I've ever seen.
Just people fighting, smoking weeds, videoing everything...
Just...it was so funny me and my older sister were laughing our butts off.
So then three hours later my dad calls the cops.
The cops come and guess where every one of these hundreds of people go?
They go in the woods, cars, houses.
And I don't even know how they scattered so fast.
Me and the sibs are still hanging out the window and this hot ass white cop hops out his whip.
Wow he was just fine af.
Anyways don't mind my sudden thirstiness.
So he asked us if we wanted to report anything and we were like um we don't know anyone in this neighborhood.
So then the cops roll out there were about seven.
I didn't know how they didn't smell the weed. It was so strong omg.
So maybe an hour later all these peeps show up in the road again.
I'm sitting there alone this time and I'm like wtf.
So I bring my sibs back and we listen again.
It was ridiculous.
They lost someone...
Like literally lost a guy.
These people...
Sooner or later me and my sibs go outside and sit there on the concrete in front of the townhouse,
These people still out there and talking bout us and we are just laughing at them.
It was just so hilarious I can't even explain guys.