Race ya W.M

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I groan as my alarm rings in my ear. "No not today" I mumble and shut it off slowly drifting back to sleep. That is until a very energetic Wanda Maximoff bursts into my room, turns my light on and jumps on top of me.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" She says while bouncing up and down on my stomach.

"Maximoff it's too early" I grumble and cover my face with a pillow.

"Its literally 11:30" She whines and continues to bounce on me. "i'm boredddddd" She complains and I remove the pillow from my face. Squinting up at Wanda due to the light hurting my eyes I can see the smile that's plastered on her face as she looks down at me.

"Okay i'm up" I say and she bounces excitedly again. This time she claps her hands to go with it. "Maximoff if you keep bouncing on me like that i'm gonna pee" I joke and she giggles and slumps onto the bed next to me.

Once I pee I climb back into the bed next to Wanda. "What do you wanna do today princess?" I ask and she ponders for a second. Me and Wanda aren't like romantically involved or anything. Although I wish we were. I just call her pet names because I always have done so it's just the norm now.

"Hmmmm can we go on a nice stroll?" I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Wanda my darling sorry to disappoint but it's raining" I point at the window and her smile falls into a frown.

"No fair man" She complains and I turn on my side to look at her. "What are we gonna do now?" I quirk an eyebrow at her and she pushes my face away from her.

"You know you want me green eyes" I tease as I get up off my bed.

"Yeah right you wish" She scoffs.

*You have no idea* I think to myself and Wanda's head snaps to look at me. Shit she heard me. She definitely fucking heard me.

"I've got an idea let's go" Wanda pulls me up and throws clothes at me so I put them on and follow her outside.

"What are we doing?" I say as I look out across the lawn. The rain is coming down heavy now and neither of us have got a coat on.

"Race ya" She challenges and runs off into the rain. Of course I chase after her I never back down from a race.

"WERE GONNA GET SICK MAXIMOFF" I shout as I catch up with her.

"THEN AT LEAST WE'LL BE SICK TOGETHER" She shouts back and runs as fast as she can. My heart smiles at her words and I let her race ahead of me. The smile on her face when she reaches her make shift finish line makes the feeling of loss fade away. "LOSER" She pants and holds onto her knees.

I jog over to her and move her wet hair behind her head. Wanda's nose is already snotty because she's that cold and I shake my head. "Told you that we're gonna get sick" I say and point to her drippy nose. She wipes her nose on the palm of her hand and lunges towards me spreading her snot all over my face. "EWWWW" I scream as I fall to the ground and pull Wanda on top of me.

"Now we can be sick together" She whispers. Her face is so close to mine I can feel her breath on my lips. Next thing Wanda's lips are on mine in a soft gentle kiss. She pulls away from me and looks into my eyes. She goes to speak but I pull her back down by the back of her neck and lock our lips into another kiss. "So you wish you had me huh?" She says referring to earlier on in my room. I blush and cover my face but Wanda grabs my hands and pulls them away. "You already had me"

Elizabeth Olsen/ Wanda Maximoff.  <<One shots>>Where stories live. Discover now